Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Rascal. Ugly.
This is so cool. I like it on either sex, really.
Kind of unique and uncommon, and I like how it has its own meaning, without having to be a form of any other name.
Sounds like Rascal. I don't like it.
I strongly wonder why this is supposed to be a girls' name in Chile. I mean, it sounds horrible on a girl!
Well... Because the people in Chile speak Spanish!
I had a really annoying teacher with this name, one of the reasons why I don't like it. It also sounds very unattractive.
Very artistic, because of the meaning and history, and also because it sounds like pastel (I also think of crayons as being linked with creativity, for pretty much the same reason lol, something I often get stuck on).
I was given this name by my mother who told me I was born on a Sunday and it was close to Easter. I tell you, I got some stick at school in England having this name, in Ireland it was regarded as a normal name. And the thing is, I have never met a Pascal in England, but have met several in Ireland. It is gaining in popularity and I am glad of this, I am proud to bear this name as I have done for the 62 years I have been on this planet.
More fitting for a dog, in my opinion.
I hate it, mainly because I know that in Finnish it closely resembles the word "shit".
If I ever have a boy of my own I'm pretty sure if not definite that I'm going to name him Pascal :)
Pascal is such a laid-back name. It's not obnoxious, but it doesn't seem like the name of someone who doesn't care about the world. I think of a Pascal as one of those quiet people who end up absorbing so much more in life.
I don't like how it rhymes with rascal, but it's still a great name.
Pascal sounds like such a lovely name to me. I'm not sure if I'd name my kid Pascal, but most definitely a character in a story, and maybe even a pet.
I really like this name. I think it's strong, unusual, and has a great meaning behind it. I would certainly consider it for a son.
I named my dog Pascal. It's a nice, soft name that would go well with gentle people.

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