Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Paula and growing up I was a tomboy but no-one ever called me Paul. But when asked my name Paula would be pronounced wrong a lot Marla, Darla, etc. The strangest thing when I was in middle school there was 3 Paula's people said that us 3 could pass for sister's all 3 of us were tall slender and blonds. Being named Paula has been interesting but fun also.
I don't like it. It's very middle-aged woman sounding.
I love Paula for a name, I think it's beautiful. I agree with some of the other comments saying it's a “tomboyish name”, it definitely has a cool tomboy edge, which I love; however, I also think it could suit a girly-girl as well. Although its meaning “small” may seem to be a disadvantage, it could actually be a really beautiful thing if you put a unique translation into it. For example, it could refer to enjoying the little things in life; it could also represent always being a child at heart.
Overall, I think Paula is a really nice name.
Personally, when I think of someone named Paula they’re in their 50s but I guess it could be cute on someone younger. Maybe a different name like Paulette would be better if it was like an honorary name.
Pretty, although I prefer Paulette.
Perfect for a tomboy though:)
I don't like this, but I love Paulette and Paul.
I don’t personally like this name or the masculine version, Paul. I however, find Paulette to be very pretty.
Just, well, just boring. It is nice, but like sound is missing, or something. Just boring.
I have had people think that I have introduced myself as "Karla" many times in the past. It was interesting when I met someone, named Karla, who told me she had been called "Paula". We had fun with it, and to this day we call each other by the opposite names.
It's good enough, but I prefer other feminine forms of Paul.
We need more Paula's!
Does anyone actually choose the name "Paula", or do they choose "Paul" then find out they're having a girl?
Not bad. It doesn’t look anything like Josepha for the matter.
It's just Paul with an A. All the girls I knew with this name were so butch and masculine.
Paula is such a gorgeous name. 10/10!
As a kid I hated my name because of its similarity to the very masculine 'Paul'. Now I've come to like it quite a lot. It's fairly uncommon these days.
Paula is my name also. I always liked the sound and spelling of my name. When I was young I didn't like having an unusual name because I wanted to blend in. As I grew older I have come to totally love it because I don't want to blend in or be like everyone else.
Paula seems like a soft, sweet, feminine name. Forget about all the bad associations I love this name!
My name is Paula and I love my name even if some people make fun of it, but I'm okay with it. I was always the lonely one, always by myself, but I'm okay with it, I've been picked on since first school and I'm in high school now but still I love my name.
Why would anybody make fun of that name? That is absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry that you have to go through that. Paula is a very beautiful name and no one has the right to pick on you about it.
I am also named Paula. I love the name. I was named after my dad, whose name is Paul, which makes it even more special. I think the meaning fits me pretty well too, seeing as how I am very small. I love it, even though people like to make fun of it. Oh well, it is the name I was given and for that I am truly thankful to my parents.
This is my name, and I'm not a fan, but there are worse names. I prefer my middle name, Michelle, but then again, that name was super popular for my generation, and I do prefer having a name that is neither popular nor rare. I dislike the fact that I have basically a male name with a letter shoved on the end, and there aren't many nickname options. I do love Polly, but it doesn't sound good with my surname. I don't mind it being shortened to Paul, but mostly, nobody does, because it's a boys' name, and they think I won't like it. Paulie just increases the confusion with Pauline - and I am often mistaken for a Pauline, as it is. I think that Paula is more attractive than Pauline, and probably Paulina, Paulette and Pauletta are the nicest feminine versions of Paul.
That's cool. My middle name is Michelle also. I decided to change my middle name along with my first. Paula Michelle sounds awesome! I am sorry that you really don't like the name. People have accidentally left the A off at the end of mine, calling me Paul in texts. This has only happened twice so far though. Honestly, I really love the name Paula due to the fact that I think it sounds nice, and it is rare. I don't like having a name that everyone else and their mother has. This is what was happening with my birth name as well. Everyone had it. No way. Not for me.
I was born in 1984. Growing up, I really despised my name, so I just had it legally changed to Paula a little over two weeks ago. I love this name because I think it suits me a lot better than my previous name did. I also love the name because I think it sounds very feminine and beautiful on me. Going through changing my name from what it was to Paula and getting everything switched over afterward was extremely stressful, but it is worth it because I feel so much better about myself now.
I really like this name. I'm thinking about naming my daughter this one day. We need more girls named Paula!
I think this is the best feminine form of Paul!
My name is Paula and I was born in 1980 and I do and don't like my name. I don't like it because I was named after my Great Grandpa Paul who was not a nice man. Frankly, I would rather go by my middle name but everybody I know already calls me by my first name.
Paula is such a lovely & pretty name. :)
Paula. Sounds very beautiful and elegant. Why don't the parents give this name anymore in the US? I would be grateful if this name was used so many times like in the '50s. :)
Not really a big fan of this name, although I do like Paul. I was surprised to see how popular it is in some countries, but I have to say I'd rather meet a little girl named Paula than say Madison or Kayla, yuck!
I don't really like this name. It's not that pretty.
Out of all the Taylors, Catherines, Jessicas, Jennifers and Emilys this is a nice breath of air. It's short, sweet, pretty and fits both young and old.
I love this name - lovely look, lovely sound.
I think Paula Abdul and a lot of Paulas of her age group owe their names to the 1960s pop duo Paul and Paula with that hit song "Hey Paula, I want to marry you/ Hey hey Paul, I want to marry you too."
I prefer Paola than Paula, it's ugly.
I like Paula because it is the female counterpart to Paul. My last name is Revere. Paul was best known for being a messenger. I have a message. Therefore, Paula Revere lives.
I love this name! Even though it is A LOT like "Paul", Paula is a good subsitute.
My name is Paula. I must say that growing up I didn't like my name. I was always the only one in school with this name. But having grown up, I appreciate the fact that there are very few of us out there. To me now, it's a unique name which feels very pretty to me. And the fact that it means small suits me well too. I would recommend this name for a little girl.
Even though I think Paula is a dreadful name, one of my favorite people in the world is named Paula and I've grown to like it.
Paula is pretty and cute.

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