Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The Petras I've met have been perfectly nice girls, but the name itself sounds to me a bit rough, which isn't my main problem. The issue is that it reminds me of farts, because it sounds similar to the French word for 'fart', and I can't get that out of my head.
This name is so stylish and unique! I usually don't like P names but this one is really nice.
I like Petra though it does leave me a little petrafied.
Very beautiful, classy name. Surprised it is not more used. Definitely would consider for a little girl.
This name is growing on me. Every time I see this name I always think of cherry blossom petals falling down on a hot, windy spring day.
I think it's a beautiful name, and it's different, so if I named a child Petra she'd be the only Petra at school. I loved having a unique name at school.
Petra is beautiful! I don't really know why it's so uncommon.
My name is Petra, and I used to hate my name, but now I think it's quite pretty even though sooo many people call me petrafied = petrified so that gets annoying.
Petra is my name, and it gets quite annoying when people say petrified, but other than that I really like my name and think it sounds quite pretty.
I love the name Petra! If I ever have a daughter I would definitely consider naming her Petra. I don't really know why but I think this name is super pretty. Also when my mom was little, she had a pet hamster named Hannah, and later on had me and named me Hannah. And when I was younger I happened to have a pet hamster named Petra. So I think it would be really cute if I continued this hamster tradition and named my daughter Petra.
Have a nice day everyone! :)
I consider Petra a very unique name. It's not really my style, but I like its uniqueness and Cristian associations.
Makes me think of Petra from Attack on Titan.
I didn't like it much as a little girl, but now I love it.
I love this name. Even though it's unusual and originates from a biblical name, it doesn't seem overly religious. It kind of reminds me of fish, simply because the brand name of my fish's food was Petra, but that's kind of a good thing considering I loved my fish. I also love swimming, so it's perfect!
My name is Petra. My name is very unique and nobody but one has my name in the big city I live in. I love my name even tho I go by Pj. I have never had trouble with anyone forgetting my name or face because I'm the only Petra in the school district here ;) I am named after my Great great grandmother in Mexico. I pronounce my name peh-truh but new teachers always say pet-er-uh -.- do any of you other Petra's get annoyed by similar names like petree or petla?
My name is Petra, and I have always liked my name. I think it sounds feminine, without being too soft. I seem to regularly get genuinely positive reactions to my name. My name is very uncommon where I live, and I quite like that. People often assume that either myself or my parents are originally from somewhere like Croatia (We aren't). I would recommend this name for someone looking for an unusual name for their baby.
This name is really cool. Not just the sound, but it's history- like Petra to me is unique and beautiful, also it matures with the girl. I remember first reading this name in the book Beauty Queens by Libra Bray and I really loved it automatically. Another reason is it's biblical, so really it connects with almost every culture because of that fact. This name is pretty cool to have, and it's so chic and modern and I can imagine a really pretty modern teen with this name.
It's a pretty name, but the fact that it sounds like petrol makes it very nauseating.
I find the name Petra beautiful, the petrified thing doesn't bother me!
Petra + -fied = Petrafied = Petrified.
'Nough said.
I think Petra is very pretty, I like it a lot. Anyone of any age could wear it, and it would suit a girl with just about any personality, (a girly Dylan or a tomboyish Lucille doesn't seem right, but Petra could be either one). I generally see a very kind, friendly, cheerful and funny girl when I think of that name.
This is a lovely, underused name. Why isn't it common in the States?
This is my name and I think anyone who names their daughter Petra is reviving cultural capital. I do however recommend that you fill out the birth certificate and related papers prior to going on any pain medication or getting too far into labor. Due to being too high on pain meds to write in on my birth certificate herself, my mother trusted my father to spell my name right. He signed Patera and now I'm cursed with the burden of telling this story every time someone catches the misspelling.
Petra is a beautiful name, similar in pronunciation the video-game name Tetra that I also love.
In a student-directed version of Romeo and Juliet, I was to play the part of a Peter, who was hastily changed to a Petra, so I've always felt a positive connection to this name.
Petra is feminine and strong at the same time, and is very pretty! And it's not at all common here in the U.S. A really nice name.
Very homely. Very blah.
Beautiful name full up to the brim of history. A character in the well-known teen novel Chasing Vermeer is named Petra. She is the kind of person you would want a child to become.
I just want to add -fied on the end when I say it.Much too harsh for me.
I like this name. It sounds better than the "name" Peta. Regarding one of the above comments, what kind of name is Cleopetra?
I was going through a lot of names before my baby was born and my sister put a real downer on most of them, like I mentioned Petra ~ she said blue peter dog ~ another crossed of the list.
I love this name. It's obviously feminine, but it has a bit of bite to it that makes it seem strong. I also like its ties to the ancient world.This is actually one of my pseudonyms - that's how much I love this name.
I absolutely love this name! If one is looking for a beautiful and unique name, I would definitely suggest this name. I can't believe it isn't used more in the US. The history behind it, I think, is awesome! It's also neat that it means rock, like Peter, which makes me think of solid rock-like faith. I'd love to bless a daughter with this name in the future. Hopefully it won't go up too much in popularity by then.
One of best friends has this name. And I think that it is very, very pretty. And it totally suits her. I think that this is a very unique name and quite tasteful. She's the only person I know with that lovely name.
A very pretty uncommon name.
I think Petra is a very pretty name. It reminds me of the ancient city in Jordan, which is entirely carved from stone. It's fitting that it's a feminine form of Peter which means "stone".

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