Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I really like this name in Spanish only, it sounds odd in English.
So beautiful ❤️. I love the meaning and history of the name.
Very strange name.
This name is not my favorite, don’t know why.
Pretty name. It doesn't sound specifically Spanish, like Ramona or Sonia, but is still very nice.
I like the meaning. However, this name is still kinda strange and it sounds like the Chinese word for prostitute.
My name is Pilar and I think it is a awesome name Pilar Ailene sound lovely together and that's what my name is. When I was younger I went by Larlar.
Pilar is a beautiful name that I plan to name my first daughter.
Beautiful name!
This is the name of a friend of mine. She's Portuguese. Her name suits her very much because she's really tall.
I read a book in which one of the characters was named Pilar (Dreaming in Cuban) and because of it, I could never use this name. Not that I liked it much to begin with, but the book is so weird and disturbing that I would never be able to use the name without thinking of the crazy things the women in the book did.
A pillar is a symbol of strength, someone you lean can on. I see someone named Pilar as being very trustworthy and dependable.
Pilar is sort of a nice-sounding name, but since it's one letter short of actually being Pillar, and since I speak English, I'm not quite certain how or whether I'd use it.
My name is Pilar. I think this is a beautiful name, I am proud to be named that.

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