Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It works just fine in Thailand... although if a Thai family wished to move to an English-speaking country, they'd better rename their kid because they'll just get bullied hard and have no friends, and probably no job prospects in the future. If I ever wanted to move to a non-English speaking country and my name in the country's native language translated to Diarrhea Jesus, you bet I'm changing it the moment my feet touch the airport carpet.
Porntip is a lovely name.
Obviously this name is acceptable & fine in Thailand, but if the Thai person named this ever moves or goes to a English-speaking country... yeah there is 100% definitely gonna be at least some teasing going on about it.
It's beautiful. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT NAME YOUR CHILD THAT IF IT'S NOT A CULTURAL NAME FOR WHERE YOU LIVE. You will be ruining your child's life by literally naming them "Porn".
Porntip is a beautiful name, and luckily not everyone wants to live or visit an English speaking country.
It's actually a pretty name, but if you are from an English speaking country (or any country that uses the Latin alphabet for that matter), I would recommend spelling it like "Pontip" to avoid bullying.
Sort of like a technical English word, even though it sounds naughty.
This seriously can't be a name! How laughably unfortunate. Perhaps use an alternative spelling. Pontip is slightly better since it doesn't have the blatant "PORN" in it.

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