Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think that this name is honestly a unisex name, and you can probably see why. I like this name, I just wouldn’t give it to anyone. Could you imagine the teasing?
This is an edgy and cool moniker. It does sound more like a nickname, but I don't think it's "infantile". It's just not your average name. Why did the name Grey take off and not this? It's quite nice. It could work for both genders. But it would seem unfitting on someone who doesn't have Red hair, or who doesn't even like the color Red. But you can say the same for Violet and Blue! Colors don't suit everybody. It's a matter of luck. Because it's uncommon and treated like an alien, the name might be better for a fictional character. If that story takes off, then the name can get popular.
(See: Madison.)It would be good for a spy (Code Red) or someone who's not afraid to take risks. It could go on a shy kid who likes to read books. Anybody could be a Red, but not everybody - since it's a color, and colors have preconceived images attached to them. Be careful with this name..
It would make a pretty cute middle name, if nothing more.
This is my favorite color! While I do like the way that it sounds, I don't like it as a name.
Why not Scarlett? It's SOOOOO much prettier than Red. Unless you mean the dog in Big Red.
I feel like naming your child Red isn't as different as naming them Scarlet or Violet since all of these names are also colours.
My sister Anne is a redhead (more of a redish orange.) We nicknamed her Red. Red is a nice nickname for a boy or girl that's a redhead.
Sounds like a nickname rather than an actual name.
It reminds me of the word 'rad' which makes it sound rad! Would be good as a middle name or nickname.
Maybe if you have triplets you can name them red, white, and blue.
Sounds like a nickname for a porn star or a prisoner.
Girls always look lovely dressed up in Red, but this sure isn't a name!
I imagine this name possessed by an outgoing person on either gender, it has such spunk.
It's a primary color and all, so it sure sounds weird as a name. It sounds more like a nickname, and as the official name, it sounds silly and quite infantile.
This is one of my son's middle names and I love it. He doesn't have red hair, though we did expect him to have!
Maybe they should name children Green, too!

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