Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This my mom’s name. I’ve always loved it. It’s like Raegan a lot. I would love to use it as middle name someday. She said it’s always weird to be in a room with another Regan. She says it “ree-gin”.
I like this more than Reagan.
If someone calls it REE-GAN again ima go jump off smthin its RAY-GAN. IT'S MY NAME so ik it's RAY-Gan.
I can only picture this on a man, I can't see it on a girl. I feel it's more of a older person name but it's still fine.
I think it's pronounced REE-gen and I associate it with Shakespeare.The little girl in "The Exorcist" was named Regan as well, but she pronounced it REG-en.I think it is a good alternative to Reign, for the people who like it. Reign is so trendy and Regan is more elegant and feminine but gives me similar vibes.
I hate when people pronounce this as RAY-gən! So ugly! REE-gən is much better and more feminine.
My friend is called Regan, and sooo many teachers and other people call her REE-GAN, even though she pronounces it RAY-GAN. It annoys her a lot, and I think her pronunciation is the best. I really do love this name, though some people in the comments think it is politically inclined.
I like this name. I like the ray-gan pronunciation better. I think it could work for a boy and a girl.
Sounds slightly masculine.
I came across this name when reading King Lear and loved it immediately. I’ve always been one to adore the villains in stories, and Regan seemed so cool. It’s on my list, the only hesitation for me is that it might be associated with Reagan. I understand why that’s off-putting, but I don’t get why everyone shies away from names that come from interesting antagonists?
I love the name Regan (ray-gan) for a boy! Name sounds very masculine and strong. We named our son Regan Anthony and get a ton of compliments on it. In my opinion, I found the spelling of Reagan more feminine. During research, I found it was more common for boys to spell the name Regan, especially in the UK. Regan is also a beach that’s close to where we got married so additional special reasoning behind the name for us.
I bet it would age on a girl, since it was used as a feminine name in a play in 1606.
This is my daughter's name, pronounced Ree-gan. We love it. We fell in love with it hearing it on our favorite show Frasier. It is used as a character name for one of Fraiser's love interests. The King Lear association never bothered me. It does bother me when people mispronounce it as Ray-gan.
One of my friends has this name, but she spells it 'Riogan'. I personally don't like this name, as I think it sounds very harsh and masculine, but each to their own.
This name has absolutely NOTHING to do with Ronald Reagan! Regan is pronounced Ree-gan, Reagan is pronounced Ray-gan. Reagan and Raegan are said like Ronald Reagan. It also has nothing to do with Megan, their only similarity is the spelling. I love this name, despite the Shakespeare character (by the way, I read King Lear and I love it). Goneril (said Gon-ih-ril) and Cordelia are also cool. ;)
P.S. I like the pronunciation Ree-gan, as opposed to Ray-gan.
I love this name, but would never use it on an actual child because of the associations with evil. I might use it on a character or an animal someday, though. Slight night shiver: I'm a non-Christian, lesbian, far-left liberal from a lower-class family, and I love this name. It existed centuries before Ronald Reagan and probably isn't going to die out just because of him. You are WAY too quick to judge.
Really horrible name; the Shakespearean character is terrible, and that's without mentioning the obvious connections to The Exorcist. :P
All of the commentors who this name and Reagan are 'secret ways to worship Ronald Reagan' would be wrong. It is a beautiful name and in most cases is not related to the president at all. I see it as a feminine name, probably because I am a woman with the name Regan pronounced like Reagan. Also, we've heard enough about politics lately, stop bringing it into our and our children's own names.
I love this name! It is not as popular and overused as Megan, and it sounds classy and sophisticated. I would definitely use it and I wish it were my name. Also, in response to the Reagan-bashing poster above, I am republican and a woman, and I don't see anything wrong with Republican views on women. I agree with all of them. So what, also, if a couple of fictional Regans were evil? Writers use different names all of the time for characters, both good and evil, but that doesn't make the names bad! If Shakespeare had named the evil princess Suzanne or Charlotte instead, those would still be good names as is Regan!
Just to let everyone know, this name is becoming very popular!
I love Regan for a girl, but pronounced ray-gan. :)
-Evil Shakespearean sister. Nothing redeeming about her.-Head twisting, green vomiting, foul mouthed demon possessed girl in one of the most famous horror films of all time.No go.
Even if I have read King Lear by Shakespeare, and yes Regan is one of the sisters and she is evil, I still really like this name. It's original, it's nice and frankly one of my favorites. But yah, Regan is evil in the play. =S =P
How could anyone ever name a daughter this? Read King Lear! Most evil character ever!
I think Regan is a good name, and it has nothing to do with Ronald Reagan, who spells it completely different. It's got more class than a lot of guy names.
Ah, looks like some people were trying to be a little more subtle about their worship of Ronald Reagan's politics. Well, they don't fool me. This name is tacky, it isn't pretty at all, and it sounds quite boyish for grown women, none of who really benefit from Republican views on women. Ahem.
I love this name for a girl, REE-GAN (spelt Reghan) or RAY-GAN (spelt Raegan), even though it reminds me of The Exorcist.

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