Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very cool name for a girl. Not sure about it on a guy, though. Technically makes sense as a masculine name but despite all odds I've always viewed it as a woman's name. Also reminds me of the Duran Duran song which is a huge plus in my book. I feel like you just know that if you meet a woman named Rio she is going to be the raddest woman you've ever met.
Would make an adorable nickname for Rosario!
My mom had a friend named Rio back in the 80s who was a girl. To this day she is the only person I’ve known of (male or female) with this name. Very unique I like it a lot!
Nice name.
Rio is a cool name for both a boy and a girl.
Ditto someone. This name sounds youthful and happy.
My name is Rio, there is nothing wrong with the name Rio for a girl. My mom thought it would be a very sexy and mature name for when I got older. I am 29 years old and I still get compliments on my name all the time. Everybody loves it and I think it's beautiful, unique and pretty.
My daughter's name is Rio. People around here really love it. She loves it too. She likes being unique. She has told me numerous times how glad she is that I did not name her a normal name like Chelsea or Britney etc. My daughter is in her early twenties so she's not a little girl, so it's not like she doesn't understand that her name is different than other people. And to tell the truth, I don't think you could pay that kid to change her name. She loves it.
Who would name their kid after the capital of a country with such a patriarchal, misogynistic culture?
I really like the name Rio for a girl. It sounds exotic and it does bring back memories of the song by Duran Duran. If you're Spanish, maybe you only view it as a boy's name. I'm not Spanish and don't think of River. Rio is a very popular name for girls in Japan, which translates to "Jasmine" in English. So, view it how you wish. I picture it as a beautiful girls name.
I find the name Rio pathetic and uninspiring. It sounds puny compared to the name Leo.
I seriously don't know what the heck I was thinking before because I REALLY ♥ the name Rio for a boy now! I adore both the names Leo and Rio equally. :D.
I am Brazilian, and even though I've enjoyed visiting Rio de Janeiro, I don't think I'd name my kid after it. It would look ridiculous. Besides, to a lot of people, "Rio" reminds them of Hollywood's weird image of Brazil - you know, soccer, favelas, and women wearing fruit hats.
I like this name for a boy. It would only look good on a Hispanic boy though. It's pretty cute and I can see a middle aged or elder man with it too:)
Love it. Only on a boy though.
Quite pathetic and again, not a given name.
If I have a daughter, I want to name her Rio. I think that it is such a lovely name, along with it being a beautiful Duran Duran song. :)

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