Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm usually open minded with male to female names, but Robert was a name that should have been left alone in its own right.
Roberta is very unoriginal and masculine sounding, just sounds extra basically being Robert with a random A at the end.
Don't like the nicknames Robbie for a girl, and Berta sounds terrible.
Although I've never met a Roberta, so I don't wont judge those people based off of their names! If you're a Roberta, I'm sure it looks great on you.
I don't know how I feel about this. It sounds a little harsh and I'm not big on the 'bert' part, but at the same time I like how the sound fits together. It makes me think a bit of Robins too.
Awful name… Sorrrrryyyy.
I’ve always liked the name Roberta because of how many good diminutives it can be shortened to. Names like Bobbie, Robin, Bertie, and even Robbie are pleasantly heartwarming nicknames for a girl.
I feel this name is feminine and all that stuff I just hate how most names that are intended for females *not saying they can’t be used for boys* are based off of boy names. There isn’t a male name based off a female name! A lot of Robertas are getting hate. I mean everyone’s allowed their opinion but don’t just be rude! I personally don’t like names with Bert or Bertie in them, but Roberta isn’t tooooo horrible, after all a name doesn’t determine a personality.
My name is Roberta. I really think it is very cute and ages well.
You know what I've noticed a lot recently? I've noticed that a lot of commenters on this site are unhealthily obsessed with femininity and masculinity, as though names actually have genders. I mean, the comment sections regarding a lot of beautiful names on this site are rather sad because the beauty of the name is being overshadowed by people bickering about how either “sissy” or “unfeminine” it sounds. It's quite depressing, actually. A good name is a good name regardless of its “femininity” or “masculinity”.
Besides, Roberta is a traditionally-feminine name. Just because it's derived from a traditionally-masculine name doesn't make it masculine. A good example is the timelessly classic name, Charlotte, which also has masculine roots, as it's derived from the name Charles, yet almost no one considers Charlotte a “masculine” name, even though it's considered a feminine version of a masculine name.
I think Roberta is a beautiful name, along with its lovely nickname potentials, such as Birdie, Berta, Bobbie, Robbie, etc. The name ages beautifully, as well, in my opinion. I can also easily see it “suiting” a tomboy or girly-girl, which is sometimes hard to find in a name.
Overall, I think Roberta is a very nice name.
Hardy and robust.
It’s a nice feminine version of Robert. It’s pretty, I like it. If you have a grandfather or something named Robert to honor, then Roberta would be a nice name for that.
I hate it. Sorry. I’m in the minority I guess.
It’s pretty but I wouldn’t use it.
Not my favorite. It's just not my style.
I don't really care if it's too much like Robert, it's still a good strong feminine name in its own way.
Roberta is my name and I love it! My friends call me Robi or Berta.
Classic name, heavy but beautiful. Kind of funny, because it sounds a bit like rabbit, and as the feminine form of Robert, it actually makes me picture a Spanish or Italian girl who is looking after one!
It's just Robert + A. It sounds like something you would name a daughter if you were disappointed that she wasn't a son. I'm guessing that Roberta Anderson didn't like it much either since she changed her name to Joni Mitchell.
I hate this ugly name and all the masculine nicknames that come out of it. It was my aunt's name.
Roberta is rated 5/10 in my opinion.
It is boring, plain, colourless.
I love this name! I don't think it's masculine at all, it's beautiful and it has a really strong sound, maybe because of the R and T in it.
Looks like Robert with an A.
The emphasis on the 'bert' syllable adds to the masculinity.
Whereas a name like Justine, which is Justin with an E, still has a feminine sound.
I was named after my grandfather, Robert. I've been called Bert, Berta and (by my niece) Bert-Bert. Sometimes it sounds masculine and awkward, but growing up I never had to worry about being mistaken for anyone else. Now as an adult I live in a completely different part of the country and for the first time met three other Robertas. Sometimes I get asked if I have Latin ancestry with the name being so close to Roberto.
"Sexy" is the first word that pops into my mind when I hear this name. A really hot one. Never got that "too masculine for a girl" BS.
I didn't care for the name when I was younger but it suits me now. And I appreciate that the name is not too common. When the receptionist calls for Roberta, it is extremely rare for two of us to answer.
I for one LOVE the name, mainly because it is my name. My name is Roberta Alexander. I was named after my dad whose name is Robert, although my aunt says she named me after Roberta Flack the singer. Either way I have always liked it. It is kind of difficult for some people to pronounce so sometimes I get a lot of nicknames, lol.
I find that the shift in accent (in English, at least) obscures the connection with Robert and makes the name seem independent, which I think is a good thing. The same goes for "Alberta."
I love this name! It just rolls off the tongue so well, and it's so pretty! I don't like the masculine 'Robert,' but this is just lovely. It may be a bit old fashioned, but I don't think it's lost it's touch. I'd like to use this name on one of my future daughters (if I have any.) At least as a middle name. ♥.
My friend's name is Roberta, but we all call her Bobbie. I think it's very cute!
I actually quite like this name. The nicknames Bobby or Robbie are cool for a pinch. And yes, the full name is harsh, but I really like the name for the nicknames.
I don't know why, but this name sounds scarily masculine to me.
My parents considered it for me, but then dropped it because my father's name is Roberto and it would have been awkward. I'm very glad they did - I don't like how it sounds. Weirdly enough, the same does not apply to the masculine form.

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