Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hey! I didn't know that the name Rochelle actually existed until I visited this site! As far as I know, the closest thing I know before entering this site was the name of Rachelle.Anyways, this is a cool retro throwback!
Rochelle Bergman from Hell’s Kitchen has impressed this name in my mind as being associated with someone sweet and kind of geeky. I like it a lot and would consider it if I ever had a kid.
Raw shell.
Little Rock- that's what our daughter is our Rock that holds us strong and gives us strength. We spell it Roshelle and nickname is Shelly. And we pronounce it more Ra-Shell. Reasons we spell it that way is because we love Shelly and Lee is her middle name. And we pronounce it the way we do do because that's how we first heard it and fell in love with it. Everyone always says how beautiful it is. It's unique without being silly or made up. It's a name with a strong meaning. (Find it interesting how some don't like the meaning when to me it's beautiful and so strong). Also when we say her name people never mistake it and same with spelling, everyone knows how to say it right it seems. Each to there own. I love it as my daughter's name and truly hope she enjoys it just as much.
I like this name, my dad's name means “rock” so it would be cool to name a kid something that means “Little Rock”.
Huh, somehow I like this better than all the other names ending with -elle. I think it's nice, and I don't really think of roaches when I hear it. A few nicknames could be: Elle, Ellie, Chelle, Chelly, Ro, ETC.
Way too underused and soooo pretty!
I've always thought the name Rochelle was very pretty. As a girl of ten in the fifth grade a new student in a new school, the first person to play with me at recess was a girl named Rochelle. A year younger she was in my brother's class, but was very friendly and sweet. I knew Rochelle for over a year, she and my brother even called themselves boyfriend and girlfriend, but at ten it's sort of meaningless. Friends called her Shelly, and one day they had a fight and "broke up." Shelly had a headache, she had been plagued with them for years. My brother said "I hope you get worse." Later that same day Shelly was rushed to the hospital where she died of an aneurysm. The following spring I visited her grave for the first and last time, and I learned her full name was Lana Rochelle Smith. RIP. Lil Angel, Gone for many years now but you will never ever be forgotten. PS. He didn't mean it. Felt terrible for years too.
I am Rochelle, named after my father's first love. It's a beautiful name given to me by a very strong loving man. Thanks Dad.
'Little rock' gah that's so cute!
It's okay, I guess.
Okay? This is a train wreck!
I live in Southern California and have visited La Rochelle, France where my Grandfather lived. This is a lovely place. I have known of one person with this beautiful name. I only have good associations with this lovely name.
Rochelle is my name. When I was younger, I was not a big fan because no one ever remembered it or remembered me as Michelle, so I started using a nickname... Ro.. By my second year in University, my professors always commented on how lovely and unique my name was and they always remembered me. I became more amiable to "Rochelle" and now I am happy to use my full name of Rochelle Ivette. My husband is French and his name is Michel. This proves to be very entertainingly unique when we introduce ourselves as Michel and Rochelle! Seek the joy in your own name!
My middle name is Rochelle, and for years I wished it was my first name, which is Phoebe. I still love it, I've always thought it added a bit of French sophistication to a Greek-based first name and a Germanic last name. It's fresh and different without getting too crazy.
I love my name and my French boyfriend does too. My dad calls me Roch all the time and I don't mind. Most people call me Rochelle or Ro 'cause, well Chelle makes them think of Michelle. It is beautiful and tacky and you should want your daughter to be your little rock because it evokes strength. I'm happy with my name even if I have to correct some people on the phone lol.
Ok, I am a 35 yr old Rochelle. I have gone by Shelly most of my adult life. I am indifferent to my name. I was teased a lot as a kid: (Roach Hotel, Roach from Hell, Roach) Besides teasing, it was said incorrectly, often. "Rachel?" "Michelle?" "Raquel?" It's crazy how many people get it wrong. While I don't HATE my name, I would not recommend it to anyone.
Rochelle is a lovely name, and my favorite character in the film The Craft. :)
I've always found the name Rochelle a really pretty, stylish name for a girl. I rate it 10/10. :)
My first name is Rochelle and my father named me after the place where he was born in NY, called New Rochelle. I beg to differ when people say that it's "not pretty" since I work in an extremely busy office where I am constantly being asked to repeat my name and spell it out for someone after they say "What a beautiful name it is". I am the only Rochelle I know (though I have met 2 before) and LOVE the uniqueness of it. I was never teased or made fun of and honestly most people pronounce it right. Most times I get called Rachelle (Ray-Shell and its pronounced ROE-SHELL). Never does it sound "tacky" or it is "too Kr8tive" or however ignorantly it was spelled previously. My maiden name and married name are both Italian and it never came off the tongue weird. If you are worried about nicknames, as a child I was called, Roe, Shelle, and Shelly. Never Roach or Roch. My middle name is very plain and even the two together sound great, Rochelle Ann. Don't take my word for it, roll the name off the tongue, you'll thank me later :)
My name is Rachel and for some reason my friend calls me Rochelle all the time. It doesn't really do anything for me. I feel like a child named this would have their name mixed up with Rachel all the time. I probably would never name my daughter this, aside from the fact that it's too close to mine.
Unfortunately, unless you are French and have a surname to match... It truly does look horrendously tacky. In the United States it may even be seen as "kre8tiv," or "made-up." As already said: it follows with the incredibly cheap French obsession in America (mainly in certain communities) whom have no connection to the country.I must disagree with a previous commenter that "Rochelle" is more favorable than "Michelle" or "Rachel."
TACKY! It means rock!
Well I have to disagree with you "Slight night shiver". My first name is Rochelle and throughout my life, I've been constantly stopped and told that it is a lovely name and never have I been told that it is "tacky". I grew up in Australia and now live in France (coincidence), even the French admire it.It's quite a common name in Australia from the 1980's and the only problem I've had is that some people call me Rachel or Michelle when they meet me the first time and people often spell it wrong (leaving off the 'le' at the end).
It's quite cute, but not very sophisticated. I'm afraid pretty much any French names will end up sounding a tad tacky in American and even British usage. It's not all that glamorous anyway.
I love the name Rochelle. I have ever since I saw "LaRochelle" on a headstone at a cemetery.
I love this name, but my husband thinks of "roach" whenever he sees it. Drat.
I think Rochelle is prettier than both Michelle and Rachel.
This is my middle name and I think I am blessed to have it. Cassandra Rochelle. Gorgeous.
I always thought Rochelle was the French form of Rachel, but they have different meanings so they can't be related. Rochelle is a beautiful name, pronounced Roshelle. It sounds a lot nicer than Rachel. Who would ever call their daughter that anyway?

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