Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Rocky is a very tough-sounding name. I wouldn't wanna mess with a Rocky.
Well, I'm clearly in the minority opinion (of this comment section, at least), but I don't care; I love the name Rocky. I think it's awesome. It's a good length, and it's unique but recognizable, a modern classic, if you will. It just sounds like a cool guy's name too.
Rocky sounds like a nickname rather than a given name. It looks so tacky and cheap.
Reminds me too much of the "boxer" and it doesn't sound nice at all.
Good name for a dog, horrible for a human.
Also a suitable nickname for Roxanne.
Good hamster name.
Yes, I would like to name my child "consisting or full of rock or rocks."
A bit silly but nice.
I love this name. I'm planning to have 4 more kids and I will name them Rocky, Dusty, Sandy and Cliff. Rocky is a name given to a strong, resilient, passionate, generous, honest, inclusive, and mentally quick person. It means rest, and so I imagine a Rocky to be kind and nurturing.
It's a good name for a Rottweiler.
My dog is named Rocky, so for me this is not a name people should have.
My name is Rocky and I can't even begin to tell you how many times I get complimented on my name throughout my life. Yes I'll always be asked if I was named after the boxer or conceived in the Rocky Mountains or if my parents liked "that one picture show." But I love it. It's super unique that no one really has it, but yet it's very well known and easy to remember because of the movies.
I love the name Rocky! I think that it sounds very southern and manly. I would definitely name my son this.
I think it works best as a diminutive or nickname. I think Rocky is synonymous with champion in the U.S. If you like nature-inspired names, Rocky could be a good name for a child born in the Rocky Mountains.
Stupid and stupid.
Not bad on a dog but even then I wouldn't use it. In my opinion, it makes a terrible name for a human and no one would take it much seriously.
It sounds like a dog's name.
No offence but this is the name of my school's husky mascot, better for a dog than a person in my opinion.
This sounds like the nickname of a dimwitted macho or a guy who is anxious to be masculine. It makes me think of dumb criminals and ugly, overly muscular idiots. There was once a guy on the Finnish Idol who had changed his name to this, and I thought it was tacky, and a pathetic attempt to be cool. This name will sound very amusing on rather shy and quiet boys, and it makes the bearer sound dumb. This was also the name of some hideously sexist cartoon character in a magazine that used to be funny before that cartoon.
I think it's so cute.
Reminds me of a dog. :(
I think Rocky is a very good nickname. Also the movie Rocky Balboa is great!
I think that Rocky is a great name because this is my favorite kitty's name.

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