Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I like it. Uncommon and not too out there.Can only picture it on a redhead though.
I feel like I would have really liked this name, but Diary of a Wimpy Kid sort of tainted it for me. It’s such a cynical series. However, I’ve never encountered this name anywhere else, and I think if I ever meet a Roderick who’s a really nice guy, or discover another, better story with a better character named Roderick, that would balance it out. Make a nice Roderick. Reverse the curse.
Roderick is the name of my great great grandfather so I've always loved the name. His family came here from Scotland and fought in the War of Independence. I was always amazed that no one in the family used it. One of my uncles remarked on that fact once saying that Roderick must have been a bad guy since no one had named a child after him. If I had had a boy, I would have used the name. We had a lot more girls than boys in my family and so we didn't get to use the name Roderick. My great great grandfather Roderick fought at the battle of Vicksburg during the Civil War. Evidently, those Scots were good fighters. Everyone wanted them to fight on their side. After the battle, the Confederates were pardoned if they promised not to take up arms against the Union again. He walked home and went back into service as most of them did and fought and surrendered a second time down around Mansfield, Louisiana. We have copies of his papers where he applied for veteran benefits. He was a poor red clay farmer in northern Louisiana.
This name is so underused!
The name is best as you can see I own it. Hands up to all the Rodricks in the world, the matter of pronunciation is not bad. But you can convert the name from Roderick to Rodrick.
Yuck. I hate this name. It sounds so weird and ugly. Even Frederick sounds better than this stupid name.
Honestly Roderick sounds very ugly. No wonder it has never been popular at any point in the past or now.
This sounds very chivalrous and dashing. I also love the nickname Roddy!
I really love this name. It's rare and unusual but it's not goofy or weird. I like it a lot! I've never met anyone with this name and I would like to. A book character with this name is Rodrick Heffley, the big brother of Greg Heffley in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

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