Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don’t understand the hate this name gets. It has historical roots and a strong sound. It desperately needs to make a comeback.
This would be SO CUTE on a boy nowadays! It makes me think of the youngest sibling from Swallows and Amazons, a story which is as great and classic as this name. I love this name!
Dated name and also has a lot of connotations to police officers- make of that what you will.
It’s not a bad name, but just a little dull.
Mayday Mayday. We need Help.Roger that sirLolBut Cmon guys. It's nice as middle or last name. Yuck for first name.
I am sorry, but I can't stand it.
This name sounds a bit old fashioned, and all I think of when I hear it is the word Roger that pilots and military veterans say. Don't care for it.
Excellent masculine middle name material.
Roger was a very popular name in the mid-20th century, particularly in the UK (Moore, Waters, Syd Barrett's real name, Taylor, Daltrey, Delgado) and the US (Corman, Ebert, McGuinn, Mudd), I think it's due for a comeback!
"Roger, that!"
Roger is a classic name. It makes me think of the hilarious alien from American Dad and overall, a strong man who is patriotic about his country and beliefs. I find it funny how everyone thinks this name sounds too harsh, when so many of the same people complain names are too soft for a boy or sound feminine. Seems like the guys can’t have any names to themselves.
All I can really think of is "Who Framed Roger Rabbit." Love the movie, but that's also probably all I'd be able to see if I met a kid named Roger. It's not a bad name otherwise, but it's a little harsh sounding to my ears.
I think this is a great name. I personally wouldn't use it but would encourage others to.
I don't like this name very much. It reminds me too much of that Klotz guy from the TV show Doug.
Kind of harsh and throaty sounding.
To me this name sounds like it would belong to a soldier. He's tough, rugged, intelligent, slick and is loyal to the death. But he also has a soft, funny and even sexy side to him as well. I've only met one Roger, and he was definitely hilarious!
Roger sounds like a rich middle aged alcoholic.
Although this is the name of the ingenious Halcyon High guy, my impression of this name is that it's borne by rather dorky and sexist old farts. It doesn't sound very pleasant; in fact, the name has a harsh sound to it.
This is one of those names that I just find really, really cool. At first I didn't think very much of it, but then the assosiations of Roger Taylor, Roger Daltry and Roger Waters (plus Roger Barrett, aka Syd Barrett) made me like it more. As much as I'd like to, though, I don't think I'd name one of my kids this (if I ever have kids; I'm only 13). I just couldn't imagine calling a kid Roger. It just wouldn't work for some reason. I'd definitely use it for a character in a story (which I have done several times). I prefer to spell it Rodger, though I'm not sure why. (It could be that when you add the D, it looks more complete.) It's just such a cool name.
This is my gramps name and he is a preacher. I love how strong it sounds and every time I think of the name it makes me feel protected, I geuss you would call it. Anywho love the name.
*Roger* is a strong, beefed up name. I love it.
Roger is a strong name often meaning the king of the house.

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