Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Could be related to Latin, like the word red.
In my case, my grandfather was named Erasmus, with a nickname of "Ras", which eventually morphed into Ross, my name.
I always thought it was from the Anglo-Saxon and meant 'horse'.
The name Ross may be associated with Latin rosso, which means red.
Rosso is not Latin for red, but it's Italian for red.
I have been told it was also an ancient Scottish word for Russia. This could be linked to other popular meanings for the name such as 'headland' or 'northern peninsula'.
As I am also a Ross, I have always been told my mother, who named me, that Ross means horse. Not just an average horse but a work horse that is worth its keep.
Being a "ROSS" myself I know that it also means: "mighty stead".

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