Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I myself am a Ruth. My friend calls me Ruthful (Full of Ruth or merciful; compassionate), whenever I'm particularly sweet and Ruthless (having or showing no pity or compassion for others) when I'm the total opposite. I have always been rather partial to the name maybe because I'm biased or simply because the name is elegant and simple. And I also think it is a great unisex name.
Too harsh.
I like it actually... I like it nicknamed “Rue” but I’ll only use it for a fictional character.
I think Ruth is ridiculously unappreciated. I look forward to the day it's used more in the West.
I'm not a fan of Ruth because it sounds harsh to me, but it's a classic name and I appreciate the biblical reference, so I wouldn't mind being called Ruth. I can see it as a middle name, following the name of a saint. Anne Ruth, Joanna Ruth, Pauline Ruth, Georgia Ruth, Louisa Ruth, Cecilia Ruth...
I love this name because it's so very friendly, nice and sweet ❤❤.
It's a lovely name. I've heard a few people mention it when discussing theoretical baby names, and not too long ago a family that I know gave it to their daughter. It seems to be making a comeback, and I'm quite happy about that.
Ruth is an amazing biblical name. One of the best biblical names ever!
I think Ruth sounds okay. Not bad and not the best either. The meaning is friendly.
Ruth and Rhys as twin names.
I really like the name Ruth. When I hear it, no bad connotations come to mind. It's short and sweet. I love it!
Ruth is a cute name! Really humble and sweet. Kind of a filler name, but I can see why. The meaning is lovely along with its history too. In my opinion it ages well. It doesn’t make sense to say a name “better suits an adult” so you shouldn’t give it to your baby. Parents forget that this is a child who is eventually gonna grow up to be an adult. I would much rather have a name that will at least last long than a name that doesn’t look good on a kid past age 10.
If you wanna name your child Ruth, GO FOR IT! Who cares what anyone else thinks? It's a sweet, classic name with a beautiful meaning. No, it's not an "old lady name". Anything can become an old lady name, given enough time, because little girls grow up to be old ladies! Even Ruth in the Bible has a really sweet autumnal love story. And how are we going to stop it being seen as an "old lady name" if we don't bequeath it to our children? Ruth is refined and gorgeous. Ruth is a gem.
Ru Ru
RuIt's really cute!
Ruth is as pretty as a picture. Really sweet.
Ruth is so pretty! I think that it should totally be used more. I think it sounds, mysterious in a way. It's like fine wine, it ages well.
Alyssa Ruth would be a sweet combination.
Ru can be a sweet nickname.
Ruth may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it doesn't have to be. Sometimes, even if they don't have a universally loved sound, they suit the bearer of the name. To me, Ruth sounds innocent, like someone with a very loving heart. It does have a feminine touch to it but it's not overly girly (not like that's a bad thing either).
I think Ruth is very sweet. Someone mentioned that Ruthie would set the child up for teasing because it sounds like "roofie", but in my opinion, it's not very empathetic to make or laugh at jokes like that in the first place. The fault lies with the person making such a distasteful joke, not with the innocent bearer of the name.
From reading these somewhat ignorant comments about the name Ruth, from people who seem to know nothing of what it is like to be privileged with the name Ruth, it is clear that these people have no idea of what it is like to be a person of (what this website suggests itself) great intellect, strength and refinery.
The meaning is great but I don't want to lie, I find the sound absolutely hideous.
A sweet, classic name with a nice meaning.
It's alright, best as a middle name in my opinion.
Rest in Power, Ruth Bader Ginsburg! A notorious American hero. In my Opinion this name will always suggest: independent, intelligent, assiduous. Simple, classically beautiful, and worthy of a renaissance.
Ninety year old neighbor lady name! I would absolutely hate to be stuck with this name throughout life!
I think it sounds sweet...
If you are a fan of flouncy names, I would suggest you stray from Ruth. It is simple and understated. It may not be as girly but it has an interesting appeal. She will likely be the only one in her class, maybe among a handful in her school, but it is original and unparalleled. Ruth has a noble meaning and a long history.
In this world of Avas and Emmas, Ruth is a rare classic, beautiful while retaining strength. The First Ruth, perhaps, was Ruth from the Bible. The Book of Ruth tells a charming and romantic love story, the tale of Ruth and Boaz, which is set in the golden season of autumn. Ruth is like Beth, short and sweet. It promises resilience and friendship - Ruth means compassion, and the R gives it a touch of power.
My daughter's middle name is Ruth. It goes well with her first name Anna, Anna Ruth. It's pretty and yet quiet strength.
Simple and pretty with a lovely meaning and Biblical background.
Not bad!
I kind of like it.
My grandmother was named Ruth. I used to hate it but it's started to grow on me some. I like that it means "friend" and I'm considering it for a daughter after Notorious RBG, who is my hero. I also knew one Ruth while I was in college. We didn't talk much, but she really owned her name and didn't hide behind any nicknames or anything, which I found admirable.
The female version of Buddy.
An ultimate "old lady" name. It should be against the law for anyone under the age of 80 to have this name. It also doesn't sound pretty or feminine, just harsh and abrupt.
It's kind of weird that people with such silly usernames on this website, like 'Vomiting' or 'Myfartssmellgood', actually tend to leave nice, sincere comments, instead of mocking or sarcastic ones. I myself think Ruth is okay, even though it's still a bit harsh, but does have a good history and meaning.
I like the name Ruth. I kinda wish it was my name :)
Not bad:)
My middle name. It sounds okay with my first name. It was my great grandmother's name and my mom's middle name, and I would like to use it as my daughter's, if I have one's, middle name.
Better suited for a dog in my opinion.
This is a one of my favorite Biblical feminine names, it sounds yet feminine and isn't as popular as Sarah or Abigail. If you want a Biblical name for your daughter, I recommend this one.
As my middle name, it's fine with Eileen. It was my great grandmother's name and I like how it's not like some modern name... Like Alyssa, Elyse, or Maya.
A very tough name for a young girl to have.
Why is everyone suggesting 'Ruthie' as a nickname? So many teasing opportunities and bad connotations, your child would be mercilessly bullied with that pet name. It sounds like 'Rufie', which is slang for rohypnol. You might be shaking your heads and saying 'Oh, kids won't know what that means,' but believe me, they will- I should know. I'm 13 and I don't think that a single one of my friends- some of whom are only eleven- wouldn't snigger when hearing that nickname.
On the plus side, minus the nickname, it's gorgeous. My friend's name is Caitlin Ruth, and it's lovely on her.
Never heard of rohypnol. I think Ruthie is super cute. Ruth used to remind me of ruthless but that's actually the opposite of what it means, and I'm liking it a lot lately. Such a cute name with a wonderful Biblical connection! I also like its similarity to Ruby - perhaps a Ruby could be honored with the name Ruth if someone likes one and not the other (or vice versa.)
No offense to anyone who has or likes it, but I've always disliked this name. It just sounds so plain and boring, but also cold and way too rough. I just tend to like more soft, sweet, feminine-sounding names. The nickname Ruthie is a tad better though.
We are about to name our daughter Ruth. I love it. She will be Ruthie as a child, Ruthless playing sports, Ruthifer in her teen years and Ruth as a professional adult.
I really like the name Ruth. It's simple yet elegant. The meaning "friend" is cute. ^_^
I'm glad this name is still on the charts. It's really cute.
Women were little girls once too, and little girls grow into women! You can't label a name as a "women's name", that just doesn't make sense. I would rather meet 100 little girls named Ruth than another one with a cutesy, modern name that will never fit her when she grows up. Ruth is a very sweet name, although the ending does sound a bit harsh. But that can always be fixed with the nickname Ruthie, which is absolutely adorable more youthful than just Ruth.
Ruth is a woman's name.
Not a little girl.
This name is so sweet! It makes a really good middle name, I'd use it for sure!
I don't like Ruth. It sounds harsh and unattractive.
For once I can say this is a likable name for a grandma's name. So, from the list of granny names this one comes close to pleasant. Nice meaning it has at least.
It's classic and timeless, yet relatively underused. However, I detest the nickname "Ruthie". I think Ru would be much cuter.
My grandmother's name. She is a wonderful lady. Her name suits her very well. I believe it is a timeless name that has a wonderful meaning.
Such a sweet meaning!
This is my mother's name. Her mother named her after the bible character. My mother is very kind, hard working and funny. Whenever I hear this name I think of her. Also this seems to be a very adult name. Maybe you can cute it up by giving the nickname Ruthie for small children.
Come back!
I've always liked that my name is easy to spell and pronounce and that it is uncommon.On the downside, it isn't very feminine and there are no nicknames!
This was my grandmother's middle name. Naomi Ruth, I love that combo, because Naomi was Ruth's mother-in-law in the Bible. I absolutely love this name, it's fantastic. Even if it has no nicknames. Maybe Ruthie while she's little.
I never used to like this name, but it's growing on me. No nicknames though.
I think Ruth is the type of name that is beautiful because of its simple, understated elegance.
And to the person who said it reminded them of "ruthless," it's funny because you think it's the opposite! Being full of "Ruth" instead of being "ruthless"! :) Did that even make any sense? o_0
My younger niece is named Ruth. I used to think that this was one of those good-in-theory-not-in-real-life names, but now I have to admit I've grown very fond of it. It has a nice classic sound, a beautiful Bible story, and a good meaning all connected to it.
I love names like this that contain so much beauty in just one syllable. And another great thing is that it's not a very common name!
This would have been my name if I hadn't been named Jessica. It's a shame, because I really like it! The fact that it means "friend" is just so sweet, and it sounds very mature, but in a nice and not cold sort of way. Plus I also think of the chocolate bar, and the early to mid-1900's, my favorite time in history.
It reminds me of ruthless.
I don't like the fact that it's an anagram of hurt.
Like a previous commenter from 2008, I unfortunately can’t get past the fact that it’s an anagram of “hurt”. Having only four letters makes it more noticeable. Shame.
I love this name. It was my great aunt's name and I would like to use it if I ever have children. I also think the Biblical Ruth would be a perfect person to be named for.
Ruth is pretty while still being simple and direct.
I like my name, but the problem is that I am a physician and so I always get the "Dr. Ruth" jokes. Hopefully by the time children that are born now are adults, no one will remember her.
Rather rough, if you ask me.
A nice, short, sweet name that everyone can spell and pronounce - what's not to like?
I love the name Ruth espescially Ruth Marie. You can call her Ruthie when she is younger and Ruth when she is older.
Such a cute name! It looks good on all ages. I'm glad more people are discovering it.
This is one of the few names you can't go wrong with, in my opinion!
I think this is a nice, sweet name. My Mom had considered naming me Ruth. I think a nice nickname is Ruthie when the girl is little and then when she is older she can go by Ruth if she wants a more adult name.
Makes me think of Baby Ruth and Babe Ruth.
This was my mom's name. Unfortunately she didn't like it. She used to say, with a grimace, "It rhymes with tooth."
This name I think is very pretty because it sounds cute when you're little, and still is professional when you're an adult.

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