Sandrine Holt is a British-Canadian model and actress of Chinese and French descent.
Sandrine is not an elaboration. It is actually a short form of Alexandrine (itself a diminutive of Alexandra) as well as a diminutive of Sandra (f) and Sandre (unisex), since it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -ine: (in English)The masculine equivalent is Sandrin, which as you can now guess, is a short form of Alexandrin (m) as well as a diminutive of Sandre (unisex).Also see:- the entry for Sandrine on page 432 of "Tous les prénoms" written by Jean-Maurice Barbé: (in French; states that the name comes from Alexandrine)
- (in French; also states that the name comes from Alexandrine)
- (in French; mentions that the name comes from Alexandrine)
- (in French). [noted -ed]
Sandrine Pinna is a Taiwanese-French actress. She started her career as a child actress and appeared in many advertisements.
I love this name a lot. It is one good name, it sounds well! And a modern name.
I love Sandrine. I've also come across Zandrine as a character in a book once, and I think that has a slightly fresher sound.
I don't even like the name 'Sandra' and Sandrine reminds me of sardines on top of that.
This name is very dated in France because it shot up in popularity out of nowhere in the 70's and died down in about 10 years.
A famous bearer of this name is French actress Sandrine Bonnaire.

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