This name is more popular in Congo and the DRC than France.
Sephora... a delicate, graceful songbird which flies with an elegance that transcends any modern associations. Though she shares her name with a major cosmetics company, she retains an intrinsic charm of her own. A portrait of freedom, she soars through the sky with no thoughts of burden and inconvenience. She daintily flits through the winds of linguistics, independent of any corporate branding. In celebrating her name, one can appreciate her charm without being overshadowed by external associations, allowing her to soar with the resolute autonomy that defines her.
So beautiful! It's a shame the cosmetics store is what many people would think of when they hear this name, but I don't think that makes it unusable.
It would be nice without the store.
It’s a beautiful name! Again, like other comments mentioned, if it weren’t for the cosmetic brand I wouldn’t mind using it.
If it weren't for the cosmetic store / brand Sephora, this would be a fantastic name.

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