Also Estonian:
With 4 942 669 bearers, Sergey is the 1st most common masculine name in Russia (2014 Data). With 299 527 bearers, Sergey is the 3rd most common masculine name in Belarus (2014 Data). With 289 903 bearers, Sergey is the 2nd most common masculine name in Kazakhstan (2014 Data). With 18 061 bearers, Sergey is the 1st most common masculine name in Transnistria (2014 Data).Source:
Sergey Alexandrovich Karjakin is a Russian chess grandmaster. He is a former chess prodigy and holds the record for the world's youngest grandmaster, having qualified for this title at the age of 12 years and 7 months.
Sergey Milnichenko is a Russian composer, songwriter, guitarist and record producer. His career began in the Soviet era.
Belarussian pronunciation of Sergey name is "Siarhei". [noted -ed]
Patronymic forms are Sergeyevich for males and Sergeyevna for females.
Sergey Brin is one of the founders of Google. He is a billionaire and one of the richest people in America.
Another famous bearer of this name is Russian poet and composer, Sergey Borisovich Kuznetzov, best known for creating the Soviet pop group, Laskovyi Mai.
A famous bearer of this name is Russian singer, Sergey Lazarev.
Correction: pronounced [syer-GYEY].
Occurs from Roman patrimonial name Sergius (Ñåðãèóñ). In church speech the name Sergey was said as Sergiy (Ñåðãèé). From the Latin language it is translated as "high" or "highly respected". To Russia this name has come owing to Christianity, from Byzantium. The sacred patron of Sergey's, born on July, 11th, - Saint Sergiy Valaamsky (Ñåðãèé Âàëààìñêèé).
The pet form of Sergey is Seryozha or Serioja.

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