Another meaning of Shahrzad is Cosmopolitan, a person who has lived and traveled in many countries, especially one who is free of national prejudices. Belonging to all the world; not limited to the politics, interests.
This name "Shahrzad" is a Persian name, the original word was "Chehreh Azaad" which is known today in other countries as Turkey, Germany, England and more as Cheherzadeh and Cheherazade. Chehreazad has many meaning: Pretty woman, wise woman, a woman with liberty of mind.
Chehreh means Face in Persian and Azad means freedom. Another meaning has a story behind it which is related to culture of those old days. Women usually did not show their face unless they were a powerful, educated and liberal; in this condition they did not need anyone's permission to do so. It is why they called her Shahrzad which today has all this meaning. Wisdom, pretty and liberal.

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