I can't believe this is actually here💀 Man if only people spelled it right because I'm one of those bearers and let me tell you.It is rare. Very rare.
I'm the only person in my ENTIRE SCHOOL DISTRICT with this name, it's ridiculous (But also convenient because I don't have to write my email for anything). Two people are Skylynn, sure, but me? I could be in danger just by telling my last name, it is that bad.NONE of my teachers have ever met someone ELSE with the exact spelling, I've asked. Some had taught for over 20 years, some possibly 30+. That's saying something.
Only one person as far as I can remember has spelt my name right the first time and it was only because she knew me from another school and remembered me (I was in the class across).My doctors often misspell it I think (My first pediatrician didn't even do it consistently; Skylar, Skyler, sometimes Skylyr. They had a database I'm sure), I have to write my name down for other people because they most likely don't know, sometimes someone will put Skyylar/Skyyler when I say two Y's, and it's irritating when just seeing the other variants because my name is misspelled that much. While no, I don't exactly care about it being misspelled, it just makes me irritated upon seeing other variants at this point because it's just... A reminder.
4th-5th grade, someone misspelled it so horribly as 'Sciler' and I told them they misspelled it. They said to live with it.I literally have to remind people how to spell my name, my dentist at least didn't use an A or an E last week and just left out the letter completely (What's funny about this is that the school understands my doctor's notes even misspelled because it happens constantly).That's my story about having this name, but it's cool. Dutch origin, rare, means Scholar, trip people out with it, etc.
(If you couldn't tell, the name is really, really rare.)

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