Comments (Meaning / History Only)

I would like to see the day when they remove the distorted version of the name STEF-en. It's NOT an American name but a Gaelic influenced English name "ph" is a Gaelic "V" sound. I get severely offended when I've been called STEF-en. I would appreciate from the world To address Me as STEE-VEN!
The Greek word from which the name originates is really STEFANI which means "wreath." It represents the halo or light wreath that surrounds a saint's head. In Greek that halo is called FOTO-STEFANO which means "light wreath."
The Greek word from which the name originates is really Óôåöáíé ÓÔÅÖÁÍÉ which means "wreath." It represents the halo or light wreath that surrounds a saint's head. In Greek that halo is called Öùôï-óôåöáíï which means "light wreath."
In Greek STEPHEN does not mean crown. It means garland or hoop.
Stephen means crown, in that the crowns given as prizes to athletes in ancient Greece were garlands of laurel leaves. So you can see that "crown" and "garland" are synonyms in this sense.

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