Comments (Usage Only)

I’m the oldest Talon I’ve ever met. In my life I’ve probably met or heard of about 30, but they’ve all been younger than me. I was named after the movie “Sword and the Sorcerer”. I was born in '83… Anyone out there older than me with the name?
In 2018, 11 girls were given this name.I knew a little boy named Talon. I think it is a nice name.
You guys are being silly! And forgetting the numerous names that mean other arbitrary nouns.. Lily, Leo, Hope, Forrest, Clementine, Jasper, Jade, Olive, Heath, April, May, June, Violet. ROBIN.Anyone who is saying this is "just a birds toenail" honestly hasn't given baby names a lot of thought.
Talon, just like Jasmine which used to only be a type of tea until the last 50 years, could be the next awesome name.Don't listen to the nay-sayers.

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