Thayne Jasperson - Samuel Seabury in Hamilton.
Thane is the name of Thanos’s son in the Marvel comics.
I don’t know why, but I kind of like this name better than Shane for some reason.
Thayne Jasperson, Samuel Seabury in the original Broadway cast of Hamilton, has a spelling variation of this name.
I don't care for this name. Sorry, but all I can think about is someone either toothless or with a profound lisp trying to say, sane or Shane. "You're inthane!" As opposed to "You're insane".
Thane, played by Pasha Pellosie, is a central character in the 2014 musical short film 'Grind'. He is a gay model looking for love.
In the Elder Scrolls games Thane is an honorary title presented by the jarl of a hold to individuals of high esteem.
55 boys were given the name Thane in the US in 2013!
I've heard it spelled as Thain, but then I found out that it was a Lord of the Rings reference. Apparently Pippin became Thain Peregrin Took when he went back to the Shire and grew up. Not sure which spelling I prefer, but I like the name.
I think Thane is a precious name, though I prefer it as a nickname for Nathaniel.
This is a very unusual name. I think I like it though.
I had exactly the same thought as Ailis. It makes me think of Macbeth.
Sere Thane Krios is an alien assassin of the Drell species in the Bioware video game series, Mass Effect. He is a romance option for female Shepherd characters. His is portrayed as highly religious and a very private man, skilled with both guns and biotics (genetic super-powers).
I can't hear this name without thinking of Macbeth. "All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!"
Thane is a small character in character in Christopher Paolini's books.
I do love this name, but I worry that it's a little pretentious. Since it's a title, it's similar to naming your son Laird, Marquis, or Prince.
I have loved this name ever since I read 'Roses for Mama' by Janette Oke. That is actually where I first heard the name, and then I met someone whose little brother has the name!

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