Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I rather like this name. I don't know why, I just find it really pretty and unique. I haven't known any Unitys but I really like the sound of the name.
My name is Unity, if my mother had more kids she would have named them Hope and Harmony.
It is NOT a stripper name thanks very much and I am thirteen. Also Unity Mitford was indeed a Nazi but her sisters were very beautiful people.
Corny and too wordy for a name.
Stripper name.
Unity seems too wordy. The -ity part doesn't help. I can see it in a grammatical exercise.As a given name... It is good in theory but also if I were anglophone I would choose other meanings. It has a nationalist vibe, which is a bit negative in my mind.
Sounds pretty but I still wouldn't use it as a name for a human. It's a bit too out there.
I like Una, but Unity seems very political to me and I have no idea why. It isn't just Unity Mitford as well... and it is not the fact that it is so political that ruins it for me, but it may ruin it for some people.
This name is a beautiful rarity! I love the sound of it and that it is a scarcely used virtue name. I love the idea of the nickname "Unie", too. There aren't many names that begin with the initial "U" which makes this name even more appealing and wonderful! Perfection.
Would be good with Trinity.
This is a wonderful virtue name. I love the meaning and the sound. It works well as either a first or middle name.
I like the name as it connects to the U.S. where there is not much political unity. However, as a practicing Jew, a famous British Nazi is not a famous bearer I would want to ever consider naming someone with. The connection would be shameful.
I ♥ this name! I'd use this as a middle name for my daughter in the future! ^___^
It sounds corny as a name, and the fact that this was the name of Nazi Unity Mitford makes it just mean to name your child this.
It's a pretty word and a beautiful concept, but it sounds a bit like either a hippie name or some wacky religious cult name. Besides, I can't get over the fact that this was the name of that Nazi Unity Mitford.
I usually don't like names that are also dictionary words, and this is one of them.
A wonderful, beautiful name.

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