Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I am a girl. I’ve never had anyone have trouble with my name, especially back home. Whilst visiting America growing up, I had children say cute jokes such as “Valentine (teen) will you be my Valentine?” And also “more Valentine (ovaltine) please!” And an American friend of mine told me that my name reminds her of the Velveteen Rabbit. I didn’t know what it was but she explained it to me. I loved my name then and I still love it now.
Everyone would pronounce this name as VAL-uhn-tine (like the holiday), not val-uhn-TEEN. If I used it, it would be pronounced like the holiday. Val-uhn-TEEN is pretty, though. I would just worry that the child would be forever correcting people and would grow to hate the name for that alone.
I used to be indifferent to this name until a character in the book I was reading was named this. Valentine is so pretty and feminine and I love how it means strong. I definitely prefer it over Valentina.
Love it for a girl for some reason, but I hate the nicknames like Tina and Val which sound so plain, unlike this name. It sounds really French to me in a good way. Valentin is a better name for a boy, and sounds handsome, kinda like René and Renée.
It's cute, and she can always be Val or Tina if she doesn't care for it.
I fell in love with the name Valentine when I read 'Ender's Game'. To me it just screams cute, and I would definitely use it on my daughter, but I'm afraid it would cause some teasing. The only good nickname I can think of is 'Allie' maybe, but that's far too overused.

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