This is a Portuguese short form of Genoveva or Genevieve. For instance the birth name of Portuguese writer and socialite Veva de Lima was Genoveva. [noted -ed]
This could be used as a nickname for names starting with a V (for example, Veronica, Valentina or Victoria) or that have a V in them (for example, Evelina, Lavinia or Geneva).
This was my great-grandmother's name! She was born in the Midwest around the turn of the 20th century, when made-up names were popular, so I'm surprised to find an entry for it here. In her case it was pronounced VEH-və, not VEE-və.
Veva sounds similar to the Spanish word "viva", meaning "life".
An alternative spelling but pronounced the same way, "viva" in Spanish means "live" :)
I have never heard the name but it sounds beautiful! Isn't there a company called Veva?
Anyone seen the commercials lately? VIVA VIAGRA!
My friend Veronica goes by Veva as a nickname, and I think it's really cool!
Means "grind" or "turn" in Swedish.
I think this name is both elegant and cool at the same time. Plus it's like the word "viva" - which I love. :)

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