I've lived in France all my life, and I've never heard this as a name except on this site. It doesn't sound like a recent coinage, since -enne names are out of fashion at the moment. Maybe I'm wrong, but still, I've never heard this before.
Not given in France.
Vienne is one of the original 83 departments of France, established on March 4, 1790 during the French Revolution. It was created from parts of the former provinces of Poitou, Touraine, and Berry.
This is a beautiful name. My adorable little niece's name is Vienna, but I also like this version of the name.
Vienne is a French city of great historical significance. It was the site of the 1311-1312 Council of Vienne, presided over by Pope Clement V, in which the Knights Templar were disbanded. The council was held there because, as a Roman province, Vienne was outside the jurisdiction of King Philip IV of France. As a Roman province, inhabitants of Vienne enjoyed both French and Roman citizenship. Today, the city of Vienne is known for its many (mostly) intact Roman artifacts including temples, a bath house, and even a coliseum. Vienne is also noted for its unique architecture.
My daughter's name is Xandria Vienne. (We call her "Xanzie" for short.) I get constant compliments on the name "Vienne", while most people think her first name is cute but a little confusing. If I had it to do over again, I might use Vienne as her first name instead.
I really like this name with the middle name Léontine. It really is a wonderful and very unique name.
A totally awesome name.
A beautiful name and a wonderful city.
This is a very pretty name that would make an excellent middle name.
It's so beautiful, ecspecially if you complement it with the right second name.
A friend of mine has this name. Really pretty unique name.
I think this is a beautiful name that rolls off the tongue.

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