Most "Classic" Feminine Names

This list is based on ratings left by visitors to this site. Names must have at least 50 rating responses to be considered.

1. Bathsheba 95% 61 responses
2. Hildegard 95% 90 responses
3. Gertrude 94% 352 responses
4. Theodora 94% 165 responses
5. Dorothea 94% 155 responses
6. Philomena 94% 116 responses
7. Mildred 93% 202 responses
8. Eurydice 93% 67 responses
9. Minerva 93% 227 responses
10. Hatshepsut 93% 54 responses
11. Artemisia 93% 100 responses
12. Odelia 1 92% 52 responses
13. Wilhelmina 92% 142 responses
14. Apollonia 92% 68 responses
15. Hypatia 92% 115 responses
16. Prudence 92% 155 responses
17. Dorothy 91% 184 responses
18. Theophania 91% 63 responses
19. Theodosia 91% 103 responses
19. Odette 91% 143 responses

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