Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword read.
See Also
read meaning
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Grissel f Medieval English
This is a short form of Griselda.... [more]
Jong-yeol m Korean
From Sino-Korean 宗 "lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan" and 閱 "examine, inspect, review, read".
Meguro f Japanese
From Japanese 名 (me) meaning "name", 周 (megu) meaning "circumference, circuit, lap", 女 (me) meaning "woman, female", 巡 (megu) meaning "patrol, go around, circumference", 恵 (megu, me) meaning "favour, benefit", 愛 (me) meaning "love, affection", 明 (me) meaning "bright, light", 梅 (me) meaning "plum", 米 (me) meaning "rice, USA, metre", 綿 (me) meaning "cotton", 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout", 苺 (me) meaning "strawberry", 萌 (me) meaning "sprout, bud" or 萠 (me) meaning "sprout, bud", 九 (gu) meaning "nine", 君 (gu) meaning "mister, you, ruler, male name suffix", 来 (gu) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become", 玖 (gu) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine", 空 (gu) meaning "sky", 紅 (gu) meaning "crimson, deep red", 勲 (gu) meaning "meritorious deed, merit", 薰 (gu) meaning "a medicinal herb, to cauterize", 邦 (gu) meaning "home country, country, Japan", 勳 (gu) meaning "meritorious deed, merits, rank", 久 (gu) meaning "long time", 國 (gu) meaning "country", 訓 (gu) meaning "instruction, Japanese character reading, explanation, read" or 具 (gu) meaning "tool, utensil, means, possess, ingredients, counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture" combined with 浪 (ro) meaning "wandering, waves, billows, reckless, unrestrained", 朗 (ro) meaning "bright, clear", 露 (ro) meaning "dew, tears", 蕗 (ro) meaning "butterbur, bog rhubarb", 路 (ro) meaning "path, route, road, distance", 論 (ro) meaning "argument, discourse", 呂 (ro) meaning "spine, backbone", 滝 (ro) or 瀧 (ro) both meaning "waterfall, rapids, cascade", 楼 (ro) meaning "watchtower, lookout, high building", 龍 (ro) meaning "dragon" or 郎 (ro) meaning "son"... [more]
Mikiko f Japanese
From the kanji 美 (mi)- "beautiful, combined with 貴 (ki)- "honour, respect" and 子 (ko)- "child"; alternatively, 幹 (miki)- "tree trunk" and 子 (ko)- "child",as well as other kanji or kanji combinations which have the same reading.
Otin f Uzbek
Uzbek feminine name meaning "female teacher", "a woman who reads mystic poetry at traditional gatherings", "an educated woman", or refering to an epithet for distinguished women.
Song-a f Korean
From Korean Hanja 送 (song) meaning "to deliver, to carry, to see off", 頌 (song) meaning "ode, eulogy, to praise in writing", 淞 (song) meaning "water, river", 誦 (song) meaning "to read aloud, to recite" combined with 妸 (a) meaning "beautiful, graceful", 雅 (a) meaning "elegant", 娥 (a) meaning "good, beautiful"... [more]
Tamonante f Guanche
From Guanche *tamannant, meaning "woman who knows to read" (literally "she who spells"). Tamonante was the daughter of Tibiabin, a priestess.
Tilovat m Uzbek
Means "reading, recitation of the Qu'ran" in Uzbek.
Yurik f Nivkh
From Nivkh yurud meaning "to read".