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[Facts] My small contribution
common in Israel, but only as a pet name for "ya'akov" (JACOB)! not as a name on it's own. If this is where you got it, you can probably delete it.
are 3 common names in Israel. SHAI won't fit exactly into any catagory (either delete or put under Jewish). For the last two - why not "Biblical"?
a. Biblical
b. Historical
c. Jewish
d. all of the above.
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A little more:CHANAH -
Biblical + JewishI don't exactly understand why you clasiffy the VARIANTS or ENGLISH FORMS of original Biblical names as "Biblical", but the original names themselves you leave as unclasiffied.
(as you did for CHAANAH, YEHOCHANAN, MATTITYAHOO, YUVAL and more.)Anyway, most of this names in the original Hebrew form are used as Jewish names.
as for CHESED - I know you only asked for definite answers, but I'll tell you what I think anyway: I think it can only be Jewish, but very rare as a first name. (and I only say "rare" and not "unexisting" because for almost every Hebrew word with a positive meaning you can find SOMEONE who wears it as a name.) In other words, unless you know otherwise or got it from another source, I THINK you can safely delete it.
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My plan was to only classify a name as "Biblical" if it occurred in the Revised English Bible (specifically mine, the Oxford Study Bible). A name could be classified as a "Biblical (Variant)" if it occurred in another English Bible such as the KJV. I realize this is a little Anglo-centric but hey, the whole website is written in English and it's the only language I know. In addition to making my life a little easier this plan also reduces duplicates in the Biblical Names file -- I don't want spellings of John from every language with a published Bible to appear there.However, the original Hebrew forms should probably be included, maybe as "Biblical (Original)". It would provide me a convient way to classify them.
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just to make it clearI wasn't complaining or anything. I just didn't understand.
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No problem, I understood you. Even if you were complaining, I'm always open to criticism or suggestions for improvement.
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