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[Facts] Look for me again!!
Hi guys! Nice to see you back, PriaposLovs. Just to let you know I'll be at the Cardinal's game again tonight, and at the Blue's playoff game Thursday night, so you guys have to find me. Kinda like a twisted "Where's Waldo "!!!Sarajeanne
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Ouch :(Arizona Diamondbacks: Bad sardonic nazi amok :(
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No kidding!! Did you see what they did to us? :( I ended up not going, though, we went to Ruby Tuesday's to watch the game and have a few drinks, then went to Copperuz to watch the Blue's game and have a few more drinks! I am, however going to the Blue's game FOR SURE tommorow night. They better win!Sarahjeanne
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wait sarahjeanne I didnt think you were old enough to drink? The twins won last night so my hometown team won!! Hopefully better luck next time!Gia nadine
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I come from the wonderful world of fake I.D's. You have to have one when your boyfriend is 24 and you hang out with a lot of his friends. :)Sarahjeanne
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ahh I see! Good for I wish I could of had one when I was younger. But I didnt even look 16 when I was 19. So it wouldnt of worked out to good! People dont even think I am 24.I always get carded, both for cigerettes and beer. Though I dont smoke. But Ryan does. So I sometimes get him some on my way home if he calls and asks. I get carded no matter what! lol oh well! LOLGia Nadine
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You think getting carded for cigarettes and alcohol is bad? I bet you've never been carded at Chuck'E'Cheese! I'm 19, and my friend and I went one night to play the kiddie games to cheer her up after she got stood up on a date, and we got stopped at the door-by a 16 year old none the less- and we had to show our I.D.'s to get in! I guess their motto should be changed from "where a kid to be a kid" to "where a kid can be a kid, but only with a grown-up"! Look on the bright side though, if you look young now for your age, you're gonna look great when you're 40!
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Gia NadineI wish I had your problem when I was that age. I looked at least 20 when I was 13. Talk about problems in school! NObody carded me when I was out and about, but I had to show three forms of ID just to get to my homeroom (not to mention class).
And I won't discuss the stuff spread around my high school when the six boys deliberately entered the girls' locker room just before gym class. :/Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaea Euphoria)
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Oh that is so sad. I feel bad for you. I dont mind getting carded all the time. It just gets annoying when you have 2 kids and you still get carded. Every time I go to the casino, I get carded about a dozen times in an hour! But one day it will be gone and I will feel like I am getting old or something. I am sure I will be bragging about it when I get older!!
Gia Nadine
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My boyfriend tells me that I look young, but I never get carded unless there's a door guy specifically for that reason. That's good, though, because of my two I.D.'s, one is expired and the other doesn't look very much like me, though it's never failed....yet! I probably just jinxed myself!Sarahjeanne
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Yeah I guess they dont check people that well where you live. Or they do and you are just lucky? BTW did you knock on wood after you said that?? Anyway have fun with that for as long as you can, which i gyuess is only 2 years. lol
Gia Nadine
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ok sarahjeanne if i get a chance to watch the game i will look for you. Hope your team wins!!!
Go Cards!!!!
Gia Nadine
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Thanks, Gia ! I hope we win, too! I don't want to freeze my arse off for nothing!!Sarahjeanne
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no kidding it is cold out latly. at least here in Minnesota. but then again when is it ever warm here?lol plus my car is not a winter car so that is always cool. lol a ford focus is just to low to the ground. oh well. i will look for you Sarahjeanne !!
Gia Nadine
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Thanks, Miss Damina, its good to be back in our lair :)
Hope your team once again rocks. And dont forget: according to the anagram Oracle, St Louis Cardinals...*is ultra-sonic,lads!*
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If your team loses and you take it out on the opposition by throwing your hotdog and sodapop at 'em, I'm gonna be looking for "Miss Damina". You may just have given yourself a catchy new name, SJ. ;)-- Nanaea
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LOL! Thanks, I like it! I'll try to stay out of trouble. That's always hard for me, though! ;)SJ
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If it's hard for you to stay out of trouble, then that's GOOD. It means they haven't tamed you. ;)-- Nanaea
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