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[Facts] 94% to 6% -- Woo-hoo!
Forgive the off-topic, but I had my annual library budget vote tonight, and the tax vote passed with 94% of the voters voting a resounding "YES"!!It's kinda gratifying, ya understand. :)And now, I hope everyone on this board supports their public library, as well as the concept of intellectual freedom, and freedom of information.Public Libraries ROCK! The Voice of the People said so. :)-- Nanaea
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Congrats Nan, I love the library. Though I havent gone in awhile either. But I love to read, I always borrow books from friends cause it is hard bringing a 3 yr old into the Library. BUt it is great that the vote passed!!
Gia Nadine
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Gia, the library is THE place for your 3-yr-old! Ring up your public library today and ask for the Children's Department, and then ask if they're doing Mother Goose Storytime, or Mommy'n'Me programs. Check it out, Gia. :)-- Nanaea
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Yeah I would love to get Caleb into that. But our public library is just kind of laking that! And Caleb is kind of likes to run around I should look for other library's. I live in an area where all the cities are around eachother. From where i live now and where I grew up are only 15 mins away from eacother and there are three cities I have to go through. So I will have to check around.Gia Nadine
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Excellent Nan! Public Libraries rock the best when they have cool directors like yourself :)
Unleash the killer minpins on the *^%*^ 6% :P
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Thank you! The minpins are sharp-toothed 'n' eager. :)
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NanaeaTo celebrate your victory, I'm gonna get kicked out of my public library again (they have to close too, you know), then I'm gonna get soused (either that or do a spontaneous ritual). Don't worry, I'm 35 and damned proud of it (if I do a ritual, I promise to keep my clothes on). :)Phyllis
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To celebrate, ask your public librarian: "Do you have any jogging books?"And when she checks the OPAC and says yes, then tell her:"Well, you'd better run after them fast before they jog right outta the library!":)-- Nanaea
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I love my Public Library! If not, why would I go there and put up with the snotty gay guys that man the counter?Nice goin', Nan! For you, tomorrow should be like the day after a good performance review: NOTHIN can get under your skin!
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So thats where you take your walk on the wild side :P
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If you like Oscar......your public library is *really* the place to take a walk on the Wilde side. :)-- Nanaea
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LOL! You made my day hehe
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LOL! :)
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Thank you! I'm doing my Victory Dance even now, as I'm typing this. And if ya ever tried typing while simultaneously doing a Victory Dance, you would pr9ghly wkkn k mflddd, ffkfl!jdj&!ia;r,yarq9ea.jvmva wheeeeeeeee! :)-- Nanaea
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Congrats, Nan! I haven't been to the library in quite some time, I really need to get up there. I fell out of habit when they re modeled it a couple years back. BTW-that was a great victory dance!Sarahjeanne
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I'm STILL dancin'! :)kfj,.d7/m&mfimf/282;,mv'a !!!! lelud8elafmv/ whoop! whoop! whoop!kdkdka,mf/.kekalrlkahfnz keq;jqba.........aak;afl !!!!!YEEEEEEE-HAW! :)-- Nanaea
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