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Take a moment and tell me your thoughts on the name Salem (say-LEM). Also do you think this name is better suited for a male or a female?Thanks and Take Care.
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I was just thinking about Salem yesterday and came to the conclusion that despite liking its sound and its meaning, it's just not doable for me. The child would have two very strong associations that would be difficult to escape (Salem witch trials, Sabrina).
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I don't like itSalem is a cat's name to me. Wasn't Salem the cat in "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch"? The association with the witch trials doesn't bother me a bit, maybe because it all happened so long ago. I find the feline association to be more troubling, odd as that sounds. The prn is also a bit silly. I don't know anyone who would prn it say-LEM. I expect little Salem is eventually just going to give up correcting people at some point in his or her life and default to the more common prn.BTW, if anything, Salem is a boy's name to me. Hey, wasn't the cat from "Sabrina" a boy? Maybe that's why the name seems to masculine to me.
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yesSalem was a male cat. I too think that the Sabrina thing would be a bit more troublesome but then again it always has been for me, LOL.For me I automattically think of Salem from Sabrina, Jerusalem, Salem, Oregon, Hocus Pocus and then the Salem Witch Trials.I do think what happend in 1692 was sad, and horrible but for me that's not the focus when I see Salem so it doesn't have that strong affect on me.ETA: I say it else is it supposed to be said I never heard of another saying? Sah-lem?

This message was edited 3/27/2008, 9:58 AM

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WW2 happened "so long ago" and there aren't many Adolfs around. Also, no, witch trials were really not that long ago, at all. Doesn't the idea of changing history bother you?
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and alsoSome events are so important that they remain famous centuries, even millenia afterwards. Nero and Caligula were Roman emperors, so they lived way before the Salem trials, but thousands of years later these two names still have extremely negative associations, being almost synonims for "mad and bloodthirsty tyrant".
Everyone who's got a minimum of formal education will know about the Salem witch trial. It's a bit odd to be bothered by a TV programme and not by history, and incidentally I assume the name was picked for the character of the cat just because of the "witchy" connotation.
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The Salem Witch Trials were in 1692 maybe to her that's a long time.

This message was edited 3/26/2008, 8:38 PM

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I think it would be better on a male, but it annoys me and seems like a name a fourteen-year-old would like. Also, it has a horrible personal association for me. Really horrible.

This message was edited 3/26/2008, 9:20 AM

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Salem was a cat in Sabrina the Teenage Witch. He was a male cat.
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neitherThe association with the witches' trial is way too strong and renders it sinister, even if the town itself, for what I remember, is rather lovely.
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Good for a cat
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Salem is one of the very few names that I can't picture on a boy or a girl since it's equal to me (unisex). So it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl.When I hear the name I think of the cat in Sabrina (the teenage witch) and a place here in Stockholm ( bot otherwise I like it.
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Alas, it makes me think of creepy towns ('Salem's Lot), witchhunts, and cigarettes, too. It just seems sort of harsh and barren to me for no apparent reason. Almost gothy. Besides, if it is read as it should be pronounced, the sound reminds me of faddish Sailor, so it also sounds trendy to me.If I saw the name on a list I'd assume it was probably a female. I can't say I think it's suited to one or the other, really.Anyway if I met a young Salem I personally would have a bad impression of the name, but there are much worse names - it's decent, and not too distracting or annoying.
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Awful, so many deaths and torture of innocent people (witches) had occurred in Salem, MA. Why would you want to commemorate that?
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There are other towns named Salem it doesn't have to be after that specific town.
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But that is what it is most known forIt is strongly linked to Salem, MA in history, popular culture and most people's consciousness. I bet the automatic reaction of most people to Salem would be "witch trials".I like the sound of the name quite a lot but wouldn't use it for the above reason.
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very true [m]True I agree most defintetly but all I was just pointing there's other towns named Salem as well. I can totally understand what you mean though even I think of MA [not at first I think of the cat on Sabrina Teenage Witch, lol].ETA: Another note while I do think quite a few people would think of MA some don't: just to point out my mother lived in MA for a long time and she thinks of Salem Oregon at first thought so does my dad as well. :)

This message was edited 3/26/2008, 8:30 PM

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Don't bother arguing with her.Unless it has a bad religious connontation it's a good name to her. Period.
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Siri shut up for once were not "arguing" [m]I'm tired of you and your constantly [not needed] comments. So just for once shut your trap and mind your own business. I was just pointing something out not starting an argument.

This message was edited 3/26/2008, 9:59 AM

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Haha, witch trials were the cleaning of people who doubted Christianity, among other things. So yeah, it wouldn't bother her. ;)
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I hate to say this...but you're right.
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is this not getting a little bit ugly?And completely gratuitous? I mean, Sabrina did not reply to Annie's post against Salem, so there's not exactly an argument going on. We regulars know Sabrina does have some rather odd ideas about what constitutes a good name, but Siri and Agata, and even Chrisell, is there really any need to pile on like this? The tone just seems unnecessarily nasty, and it's likely to have no more beneficial effect on Sabrina's naming ideas than Annie's neutral response.Sabrina is not some stupid teenage troll faking a pregnancy or making sock puppets or asking don't we think Asshole is a lovely name? She hasn't broken any rules or been insulting, and she hasn't done anything new either. How about we save it unless and until something really worth the claws-out business comes along?
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I think it might be worth itNot worth it in the general sense of getting Sabrina to change her mind, but worth the arguing. I would be horrified if I met a child named Salem. It's so associated with mass murder and hatred and other awful things. While generally I agree that there's no point saying that something like Calendar is a horrid name, I think that in this case it might be justified.Edit: clarifying

This message was edited 3/26/2008, 5:01 PM

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read my post below Aine

This message was edited 3/26/2008, 8:29 PM

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Discussing it is fine, I think.But I'm afraid some of the comments in this thread pass the line of good taste and border on unnecessarily catty.I know we can keep this civil, guys, so please, let's try a little harder?
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Yah, precisely. Mass murder regardless.
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I don't find it too appealing, it reminds me of a cat, and also the cigarettes I used to smoke.That said, I suppose I'd like it on a girl over a boy.
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I adore Salem as a nn for Jerusalem [girl].I really really like Salem [girl] on it's own as well it's sweet. I like the meaning of it as well.

This message was edited 3/25/2008, 9:22 PM

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