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My favorite Puritan virtue name. I like it for a girl, probably as a middle name.What do you think?
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I'm actually quite fond of it -- Mem is an adorable nickname.
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This is adorable! I think I'd prefer Remembrance, but Remember works, too.Geezum, I love Puritan names...
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I like it, but prefer it as Remembrance. I just like the sound and that it's in noun form better. One of my favorite Puritan names, too!
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I fell in love with Remember Patience Whipple, a character in the Dear America series, when I was little. I still love that name. I'd use it as a middle name. I love virtue names.
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I *love* Remember! It's one of my favorite virtue names. I'd use it as a middle name as well, but I could see it working as a first name. I wish I remembered my old combos for it. Oh well.
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I can remember at least as many unpleasant things as pleasant ones! Surely it's only a virtue if you narrow down your memories very selectively.I know a Rosalind whose little sister was born on their parents' wedding anniversary and named Rosemary because of Ophelia's scene in Hamlet: "Here's rosemary, that's for remembrance: pray, love, remember!" The parents apologised for the confusion they knew would result, but couldn't think of a better name. And given the choice, I'd go the Rosemary route too.
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I love it.It's the oddest thing - I love word names even though I have one and hate it. :-DI especially like it because it can have so many different meanings.
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Remember is a pretty word, not sure how much of a virtue name it is, but I like it well enough.My favorite virtue names are Verity and Temperance.
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I really like it. It's definitely a GP, but I love the sound of it.
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There's a Mary Higgins Clark novel called "Remember Me" in which the main character's name is Menley, but it's supposed to have come from an ancestor whose name was Remember.
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It's a little out there but she could always be called Remy which is adorable. My sister used to work with a lady named Echo and she was teased a lot but it was good-natured teasing. I take it from my sister that this was a fairly common thing (Echo ... Echo).Remember is better than some of the stuffy virtue names.
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Yes, Remember for a girl and a middle name. Not a first name. It's too long not to have a nickname and the nickname that will probably occur to most people (Member) isn't exactly tasteful. "Mem" might work. It's a stretch though.
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