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How many people have associations of a trashy/stripper image with this name? I do understand the biblical connotations to be negative, but never thought that they were nearly as strong as Jezebel, sort of more tantamount to calling your child Lorelei. Considering its current popularity (in the 180s) it seems others are using it with regularity.I was calling my DD this briefly, and was really content that it seemed to fit. Then my mother immediately began to bash it. That was followed by a good friend telling me she thought I had "stolen" a name of one of her children: that it was basically a trashy form of her 8 yo daughter's name Lila, just with a tacky Dee sound stuck in front (she cited that P Diddy named his twins D'Lila and Jessie James) and that it would bother her every time she saw me if used it...Needless to say I am questioning this whole friendship at the moment, as I never meant to steal anyone's name and feel very misjudged (as I personally get a different feel/association from Delilah vs. Lila).I alone was not concerned with any of this enough to quit using it, but now, a name that my DH and I BOTH liked, is, in his mind, no longer an option, too much baggage/trouble, etc. he just thinks it is not something he wants for his daughter and wants to move on.Regardless of whether or not we use it, are these associations shared by lots of people? I know it's a "GP" for people,but really how guilty would you feel using it? I thought it was a spunky name with a nice sound and didn't mind the Biblical bad girl stuff. DH claims there is no revisiting it now, but I can't help but bring up the argument that the puritans used this, and I see it as a legitimate option. But if it is truly a cruel thing to do to a child, I wouldn't want to "curse her" with a name. Even from a purely academic angle, I'd like some feedback. TIA!

This message was edited 5/7/2012, 11:24 AM

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I like it and see nothing wrong with it. @@ at the friend who's never heard of it except in relation to some rapper!
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The Biblical associations don't bother me at all. I think Delilah is a great name. It's very cute. Your friend obviously isn't a name nerd and doesn't know anything about Delilah, no offense. lol. I wouldn't pay much attention to her, if I was you.
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I wouldn't use Delilah because of the Biblical Delilah. It's not quite as bad as Jezebel, but still.
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It has a pretty sound, and there is the Tom Jones song "Why Why Why Delilah." The Biblical association is pretty strong though, and there is also the obnoxious radio "personality" Delilah to contend with, plus the Plain White T's song Hey There Delilah, which I happen to dislike but most other people seem to love.I don't dislike the name but I never liked it enough to consider using it. The associations themselves don't really bother me personally, but if I did want to use the name I'd probably leave it in the middle name slot, or just name her Lila, which I like better anyway.
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Hold it, are you the one who originally named her daughter Rosalie and was considering changing her name? Also, I'm a little confused. Are you pregnant? Or do you already have a daughter named Delilah?Delilah is usable, I think. I would agree that it's not as overtly negative as Jezebel. Delilah and Lila feel different to me, but if it's a close friend and you plan to call Delilah Lilah then it's too close. If your husband doesn't like it anymore, then the whole conversation is irrelevant.
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That's correct, we were working on renaming her (or nicknaming her) and DH suggested I call her one of the FEW new names we both liked- and see how it fit. I started to call her Delilah and then all this "stuff" transpired...He got cold feet about it when my mother and friend piped in with their negative comments. As for my friend, I only see her daughter about 4 times a year and I do not plan on calling the child Lila-I think of it as a different name and do not use nicknames. And personally, I find my friend's attitude rather juvenile and off-putting such that no matter what name I call the child-I'd be inclined to steer clear now. She equated my calling my child Delilah tantamount to her calling a boy "D'Schuyler," as my son's name is Schuyler. Hmmm. I wonder if all other names with LIL or any other parts of her child's names would be considered trademarked.My DH DOES like the name, he has stricken it from the list due to all this outside interference.

This message was edited 5/7/2012, 12:24 PM

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Point of orderI wondered the same thing at first. But since your current screen name is Callistago, not anxi(sorry I forgot the whole thing) I didn't bother. It's generally accepted (and possibly a rule) that you must keep to one name, unless you announce otherwise. We have problems with people pretending to be more than one person. I know you didn't mean to do that, but it still helps if you keep to one name. Thanks!(I've been away for a few days so if you already made the name change announcement, then please ignore.) :-)
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So sorry-I did mention the screen name change in another post a week or so ago, I saw an option for a screen name and did not realize I had to make a formal announcement-but did make a mention of it. I didn't know of the protocol and didn't think twice since it still reads authenticated as anxiolytics-apologies for any error!

This message was edited 5/7/2012, 12:54 PM

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My badI didn't notice the "authenticated as" after your name. Sorry!
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no worries-glad I haven't made another naming error, lol!
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Well I'm sorry you seem to be having such a long struglle in naming your little girl. I hope you guys can figure this out soon.
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Thanks- It does seem like an inordinate amount of work has gone into something that, once finally settled, needed to get uprooted yet again-I am sure we'll settle on a name (if not two or three!) someday!

This message was edited 5/7/2012, 12:30 PM

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I wouldn't say it was cruel to name your dd Delilah, nor would it "curse" her. As you note Delilah is becoming more popular and thus more mainstream. For example, I never thought Scarlett would be so popular, but it has and so the GWTW associations fade as the name goes up the charts.Personally, I'll never get the Biblical bad girl association out of my head. I equate it with Jezebel. But I'm in the minority. By the way, I love the names Lorelei and Lilith. So "bad girls" don't always get the thumbs down from me. :-) What about Demelza instead?
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I did read both biblical stories and felt that Jezebel was a crueler woman, but in terms of associations I am not sure that you are in the minority.My niece's name is Lorelei, which my mother loves-and I pointed out the hypocrisy in her opinion, 9i.e why is one bad girl different from the next?) and she backed down from that particular angle- but claimed ultimately it came down to the fact that she finds Delilah trashy, but Lorelei acceptable. Again, I wouldn't care if my husband hadn't decided to become so influenced by all of this. I personally am no more bothered by the biblical than the mythological-but then again, I am someone who loves the name Cain.Demelza is not quite the sound I want, but I do like the Z in it! Thank you for your thoughts on this.
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I don't get a trashy vibe from Delilah at all. I think of the biblical account, first and foremost. And to be honest, if it were a tad more common, I'd have considered it myself since I wouldn't want my dd to be the only one of her peers with her name. I know what that feels like and it's almost as bad as being one of many. Anyway, I've only known one Delilah (in middle school). Beautiful, girl, beautiful name. It's a shame you and your dh were negatively influenced by a friend who was totally off the mark, imo. I know how difficult it can be to agree with one's spouse on a name, period. JMO but I think Delilah Kelley is a kick-ass name.
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Me too! I am sorry he is now dispensing with it, as it felt as close to right as I had gotten, finally! Not sure how to reel him back in....
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I don't have a trashy or stripperish association, but I do have a dark and untrustworthy association because of the Biblical Delilah. It does seem to be getting more common, but because of that I don't think it will ever be super popular. I do have a friend with a 3 year old Delilah. I don't think it's bad or cruel to use it, I just personally wouldn't consider it.I also associate it with the song like mentioned in the post below, but I don't think that's a bad thing. It has a catchy tune! Plus I think it would be cool to have a nice song with your name in it.
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Hey there Delilah....It is far too flowery and frilly for me, but if that's your style go for it. Personally it brings the Plain White T's song to mind before the Biblical stuff. I don't think you'd be saddling her with anything, people shape their names.
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I like that song.I know it's lame, but I really like it. It's pretty.I love the name Delilah, BTW.
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I actually think of Delilah by Tom Jones before I think of Hey There Delilah but I guess a lot of younger people don't know that song.
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Me too. Never heard of the other song.
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Me too. :-)
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Oddly enough I do, but had completely forgotten. That song is the reason my mom didn't get her little Delilah.
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Thank you, I agree that people shape their names,and am not nearly as fussed about what people think if I/we love a name, but sadly I don't think DH shares the same opinion-especially if he feels it would be a cruel think to do to a child.I actually do like the song fine though it's bit monotonous, I didn't even know about it until I started investigationg the name (I am rather out of the loop as I was suffering with princess music during that time).
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