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Anne has really grown on me. I think it's sweet and I like the nickname Annie. I used to prefer longer versions such as Annabel, but now I like the simple Anne much better.Do you think it's too bland? It is the middle name of lots of girls born until the mid 90s or so. So I'm worried it sounds a bit boring. Opinions?
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To me Ann is boring, but Anne is not. I know they are pronounced the same, but that little E really makes a difference to me (Anne of Green Gables would agree). One of my best friends is Anne-called-Annie, which I suppose helps the cause. My middle name is Ann, but I always wished for that final E.
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I have an aunt named Anne, I never really had an opinion on it except it was nice and suited her. Oddly most Ann* names are my favorites, I just don't like Anne that much. It's regal but not exciting.Anna is my favorite of the Ann* names, though. I'd probably use Anna and call her Annie, Anika (I've loved this name since seeing Pippi as a kid) or possibly even Annabel as nicknames.
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I really like it. It's pretty, simple, and it doesn't seem too common anymore. I love Anna and the nickname Annie as well.
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I love Anne! It's unpretentious, unaffected sophistication makes it sound fresh and appealing to my ears.
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I do find it really bland and boring, Anna is the best form, imo. Of other variations I like Annemarie and Annabeth.
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Anne is a bit bland for my tastes. Actually, my third dd is Anna and that STILL is a bit bland for my tastes (dh chose it). Having said all that, Anne does look beautiful written down and I adore the nn Annie.
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Disclosure: My name is Ann. Ann Marie. I got everyone's filler mns for both slots. That said, I've always liked being an Ann, even when there were four of us in a 30 student class. I used to want to be an Anna, but now the simplicity of Ann / Anne pleases me more. My only quibble still is that Ann looks incomplete. I still wish I were an Anne.I've had many nns over the years related to my name: Annabel, Annimal, Anner, etc. I started seeing my (now) dh and he asked me if anyone else called me Annie. At 35 years old I surprised myself by answering, "No." "Good," he said. Because I want to be the only one. My heart still flutters at that one. It's odd that no one else in my life had ever come up with Annie before then. It's such an obvious nn for it. Another nn I adore for it is Nan -- so medieval and Anne Boleyn-ish.Anne boring? Not to me. But even if it is, the up side is having fun with the mn slot. Would you like some mn ideas for Anne?
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I think it's boring and I know a lot of Grandma-aged women named Ann(e), I also have two friends with the middle name Ann(e) - they fit in the bracket of being born mid 90s.I love Annie, I think it's sweet but I don't think I could use it as a full name. I like Anna "Annie" and when she got older she could be "Just Ann" too. Best of every world! :)
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It's my mother's name, only she spells it Ann. It's also my middle name.I think it's...motherly. For obvious reasons. Not boring, but just kind of *there*.
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I think Anne is a lovely first name, and Annie is a great nickname. My sister goes by Annie and it still fits her very well as an adult. I work with a woman whose name is Anne and I think it sounds very elegant on adults, while not sounding too bland or stodgy for children and teenagers.
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I think in the middle name spot, boring. First name, refreshingly classic. Anne is lovely and simple and elegant.
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I love Anne. I think is simple and sweet. Refreshing as a first name. I adore the nickname Annie too. I as well go back and forth between just Anne and Annabelle.
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