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Iris and Ivy
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Ivy is kind of cute, though I'd never say I really liked it. Iris sounds sour and grim to me.
If we're talking about i names, I'd say I like Irene best.
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I also like Irene. It's a very classy name. I like a lot of I-names, but these two stuck out to me the day I posted. SO similar, yet so different.
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I used to hate both of them - now I love both of them. I have a feeling they will explode in popularity pretty soon, once the shine of Violet and Stella have worn off.
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Dislike both.Ivy has a nice sound but I used to know a school bully called 'Firstname-Ivy Lastname-Lastname'. It's also one of those BtN favourite that I can't get behind. I like it on sweet old ladies, but not on little girls and young women.On the other hand I don't care for the way Iris sounds, even though there's the song and it's a part of the eye so I should love it. Besides, the main thing it reminds me of is the cleaning lady from The League of Gentlemen ("yes, Mrs Levinson")

This message was edited 5/7/2015, 9:18 AM

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I have liked Ivy forever, but it's a guilty pleasure. I'd appreciate it as someone's name. I'd never use it though. Because ivy is a pest plant here, and because of "poison ivy" (which was a pseud of the guitarist for the punk band The Cramps - I think it's a double meaning, IV for intravenous?). So I've overthought it and could never use it myself. Also, it was a little cheapened in my mind by the celeb child named Blue Ivy (I forget who her parents were but I think the name is gimmicky).Iris is a name I didn't really care much for until more recently. I thought it was just okay. I guess because I'm not a big fan of -is endings. Now I really like it a lot, since encountering a young girl named Iris, and since bothering to learn that it's more than just the name of the flower. I have never thought of eyes when I see it as a name.

This message was edited 5/7/2015, 9:47 AM

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Ivy as a pest plant-I was astonished to see it growing all over, when we lived in Tasmania. Here, I have a hard time getting it to grow as a house plant, they always die.
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I've inadvertently killed potted ivy several times myself! But English ivy fills one corner of my backyard, having spread from the neighbors', and has to be cut back twice a year because it would fill the yard in a few years if we let it. Big, fat vines - even right under the evergreens, where nothing much can get going. I found out only last year that it threatens wild forest plants significantly, and is an officially designated Class C Noxious Weed in Washington state.(It doesn't hold a candle to the invasive Himalayan blackberry, though, IMO, which is absolutely everywhere. Forms huge hideous thickets as tall as a house, and it has deep roots that allow it to come right back with full-sized vines if it's torn out. Hate! You can't kill it with fire, even goats don't destroy it - and the berries are rarely any good. At least ivy has the ability to be kind of pretty sometimes.)
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Again Australia-blackberries were brought there, way back, I suppose, and they loved the climate more than England's. At least in Tasmania, I don't know about the rest of AU.
The sheep farmers dislike them, as they replace the grass, and have big thorns that the sheep get tangled up in.
At least the berries are great-I use to buy them at markets, and jams and jellies people made.
I didn't pick them, though.somehow the thickets looked snakey, though I doubt the snakes liked blackberries, or crawling over thorns. I was wary of snakes in Australia, as the snakes we have in my province are mild-mannered garter snakes that I've never heard of biting anyone, and certainly not venomous. I'd never heard of Himalayan blackberry.Invasive species, so easy to take hold, so hard to eradicate.
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I like Ivy better than Iris. Iris just makes me think of eyeballs. Haha.Ivy is lovely though, and it deserves more love.
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You know, I never think of eyes. I have no idea why, since I am a biology nut. I always think of rainbows and flowers. Though, the eye thing is actually kinda cool and a plus in my book.
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Ivy-for me, I can't shake the image of a high-school math teacher I had, first-named Ivy.Not a bad person, but marking time until retirement,and given to responding to questions with-"Because that's how you do it!"Iris, though-yes, I like it. I think of the flower.
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Gorgeous! I love Iris, Ivy and Iole.

This message was edited 5/7/2015, 11:26 AM

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Big yes for Iris; big no for Ivy.They are so similar, yet so different. I think for me it comes down to simple botany - Ivy is such an annoying plant, and irises are so lovely.That said, I did have a great-aunt Ivy, whom I never knew. And I've never met an Iris.If you Google Dietes, you should find pics of our local wild irises. They come in white or yellow, and are really cheerful.
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I love Irises. We have some beautiful ones around here. Ivy actually reminds me of Holly, not most invasive ivy... though I totally see everyone's point.
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On the names?Iris is okay.Ivy is adorable. Simple, sweet, and wonderful.On them as a sibset?
Goodness, no.
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Sibset never occurred to me! Whew, I suppose that would be an interesting one. Imagine twins. Actually, don't. I never think of poison with Ivy, but it seems to be a prevalent theme. I agree that it seems simple and sweet to me.
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I prefer Ivy to Iris though it is not a bad name. However nether of these are my absolute favourite names.
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I love them both, I prefer Ivy.I do not like them as a sibling set though.
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I like Ivy better, even though the Ivy I know is a complainer. I do know of a young Iris, who's the granddaughter of one of our regular subs. As a sibset, too nature-y if they're the only ones.
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I love Iris and would consider using it on a daughter. I think it's pretty, classy, and gently surprising. Ivy leaves me cold. It reminds me of poison ivy and IV lines. But objectively it's not a bad name.
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Never though it IV lines!
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Iris is pretty, I do like it, but I wouldn't use it. Ivy I love and would definitely consider using. I find Ivy so spunky and to me, it fits well on a female of any age.
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I like Iris. I think it hits that retro sweet spot- not eternally dated, but not yet trendy. I also like that it means "rainbow," and irises are one of my favorite flowers. Some people are bothered by the eye connection, but personally I like it.I'm not as big a fan of Ivy, but I don't mind it. I think I would enjoy meeting a little Ivy. However, it just doesn't give me as nice associations as Iris does.
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I really like Iris, Ivy's ok but reminds me a bit of poison ivy.
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Love them both. Sometimes I do have to force myself to unhear the "IV" in Ivy though. A shame because it's really a lovely name. And Iris has such a clear, pretty sound.

This message was edited 5/9/2015, 10:08 AM

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