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We are still struggling alot with girls names. We really don't like many at all!
I have been searching for a 'sentimental' name for a middle name to pair with our boy names.My grandparents were talking yesterday about how they were watching under the hammer and a house in their old town in England came up for sale. It made me think about the name of the town a bit more. Blyth. Mum was born there before she came to Australia, they talk about it an awful lot and it's obviously a place of great significance to them (both mum and dad and my grandparents have been back to visit several times). I'm actually liking the name Blythe now.1. What do you think of the name Blythe?
2. Which combo do you like best:
Daphne Hilda Blythe Arnold
Winifred Hilda Blythe Arnold
Theodora Hilda Blythe Arnold
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I think it's a lovely idea; best possible use of a place-name, and exactly the sort of middle name I like best. I don't think flow really matters when you've got such meaningful middles - they all sound fine to me. What would she be called on a daily basis? Do you have preferred nns for the three names?
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I actually do like the name Blythe. It's definitely one that doesn't get used a lot, so a little Blythe would likely not run into another one. I'm not even sure if it gets much use as a middle name.Of the combos you posted, I like "Daphne Hilda Blythe" the best, since I find the others to be too long. But I'm really not a fan of Hilda. If you take Hilda out, I like "Theodora Blythe" the best.At one point Blythe was in my Top 10 (albeit briefly). I liked to pair it with simple middle names - usually beginning with a vowel:Blythe Abigail
Blythe Adele
Blythe Amelia
Blythe Annabel
Blythe Eleanor
Blythe Ellen
Blythe Eloise
Blythe Elowen
Blythe Ember
Blythe Emily
Blythe Enid
Blythe Erin
Blythe Esmée
Blythe Evelyn
Blythe Everly
Blythe Haven
Blythe Helena
Blythe Holly
Blythe Isabel
Blythe Mary
Blythe Noelle
Blythe Rhiannon
Blythe Rowen
Blythe Wren
Blythe Yvette

This message was edited 11/18/2015, 10:02 AM

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I remember Blyth as a sad little town, but I looked it up and there seems to be some urban regeneration on the go, which is nice.I like Blythe as a mn, and Hilda Blythe Arnold works very well. So, that leaves the fn, and I don't enjoy Theodora with Hilda, or any other -a name. Out of Daphne and Winifred, I'm a bit torn! Winifred seems more vintage Geordie, but I prefer the sound and the greater lightness of Daphne. Daphne Hilda Blythe, therefore!
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Don't care for it, sorry, and I think it doesn't really go well with Hilda.
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I like Blythe. IMHO, MNs are there for their meaning, bot necessarily because they're favorite names. We may go with Stanley as a MN for our son, a name I'd never use as a FN and I don't love the sound of, but it has meaning.Of your choices, I like Winifred Hilda Blythe the best.

This message was edited 11/17/2015, 11:16 PM

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Well, it reminds me of Blythe Danner, Gwyneth Paltrow's mom. It's not a bad name by any means, but it's one of those names that breezes right by you without you noticing: *blythe* . It doesn't make much of an impression, IMO.
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1. I like the meaning of Blythe, but not really keen on the sound. It's a good idea for a middle name though because of the sentimental reason behind it. 2. Daphne Hilda Blythe Arnold
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I love the name Blythe. I always forget about it actually. Thanks for reminding me!Theodora Hilda Blythe is my fave of your combos :)
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I like Blythe, but I don't particularly like the combos. I think Winifred Hilda Blythe Arnold has the best flow, and the Daphne combo has the worst.
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I don't really like it, but the meaning is lovely and the reason you want to use it is great. So with that in mind, I like it as an option for you. Daphne is without a doubt my fave of your girl names and Daphne Hilda Blythe Arnold just flows so nicely together and works really well.
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I love it, and all three of those combinations work really well :)
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Wow. Three of my most hated names all in this combos... I guess we have incredibly different tastes. 1. Blythe (like Daphne and Winifred) is like being hit in the face with a wet flannel. All three are drippy and cold and pale.2. Personally, I think they are all terrible. You don't get much uglier than Hilda. If I HAD to choose one I'd say Theodora Hilda Blythe because, ugly as it is, you could keep the middle names a secret and go by Theo. I actually really like Theo.
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Dislike (sorry)Yuck, yuck, yuck, hate it. I can't stand this name at all. It's ugly, dated and easily makes me envision not just an elderly woman, but a disgruntled and sinister one at that. I'm relieved the name isn't on the charts; if it ever was at all. (I don't really care) plus, its just really harsh sounding.
I'll say about the same thing for 'Hilda' only, I don't necessarily see an ill-tempered woman. I just find it ugly, outdated and one of those names people use just for a gag (a name people easily laugh hysterically over)
Daphne, Winifred & Theodora aren't superb but they are unmistakably better than 'Blythe' & 'Hilda'
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Theodora Hilda Blythe gets my vote. Daphne reminds me too much of Scooby Doo, and it seems empty somehow. I love Winifred, but I like it more in the middle name slot. I think it's a bit too frumpy as a first name and it's extra frump with Hilda. I love love love Theodora. I think it has a lot of life, while still being classic. Plus, loads of nickname potential if you are into that!
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