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Wdyt of Sylvia? Do you think of the scam Psychic Sylvia Btowne?
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I like the name Sylvia very much! Its pretty. Prefer it to Sylvie (which is nice, but prefer Sylvia) and Silvia (which is ok, but prefer Sylvie or Sylvia), So overall I really like this name.Never heard of the scam.

This message was edited 6/28/2023, 11:32 PM

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I've never heard of that psychic, so clearly it isn't something I associate with.It does have a bit of a grandmotherly feel, honestly, but I think there's a classic nature to it. I'm not sure I would ever use it. I did encounter a girl named Sylvia in college (I'm 30, if that is any kind of indication) who adored her name, for what that's worth.I do prefer Sylvia to either Sylvie or Silvia, personally.
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Sylvia is gorgeous. What light is light if (Silvia) be not by? Sylvia too. :0)P.S. I've never heard of that scam reference.
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Never heard of any scam psychics: I'd have difficulty telling them apart from other psychics! I was at school with a Sylvia for a short time. Very pleasant girl, academically very challenged. I'd consider using Sylvia, and I'd like to meet more.
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It's my mother's name and I've always thought it's beautiful. I haven't heard of the scam psychic.
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My viewpoint may be slightly biased as I have a 5 year old niece named this, although I have always found it to be very gorgeous and classic. 🙂
I like that it's familiar but also uncommon-or at least isn't as overused today.
She'll be in kindergarten in September, (so official school) and the likelihood of her sharing the same name with a number of other classmates and even schoolmates is pretty low. I also really like "Sylvie", but more as a nickname, which she often goes by, along with "Silly", although mostly between her parents (an endearing nn given to her when she was maybe around 2) "Silly Sylvia" 🙃Also I never heard of the scam psychic.

This message was edited 6/26/2023, 6:02 AM

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I prefer Sylvie and haven't heard of the scam
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