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Found in a local school newspaper. All students ages 5-18. These are the names that stood out to me, either for their strangeness or their less common occurrence. What do you think? Some of these I think are actually pretty nice, but others not so much. LolMercedez (Yes, this spelling.)
Trapper (Not the surname, unfortunately.)
Cimarron"Has the planet gone mad? My brother... passion's hostage. I seek justice! Denied. I shall not submit! I shall conquer! I shall rise! My name is Gomez Addams, and I have seen evil! I have seen horror!"

This message was edited 9/1/2023, 7:15 PM

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I like Alexia and I'm kinda liking Oren? I prefer Vivian to Vivienne and Jasper to JesperBlanca, Takemi, Amelie and Ari are not my thing but they're okayVaughan is interesting because that was one of the house names in my high schoolNot a fan of the rest of the names, but especially Trapper and Mercedez
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I like Vivienne, Alexia, and Amelie
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I like Auden, Ari, Philanthe (!!), and Cimarron.
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I like Alexia, Blanca, Auden, Amelie, Nyah and Vivienne.
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Oooh, I like a lot of these. I like Auden, Oren and Nyah (all have beautiful sounds), Ari (cute!), Amelie, Alexia, Fayette and Vivienne (pretty), Vaughan (handsome), Jesper (prefer Jasper, but I still like it)Blanca, Cocoro, Landry, Linus, Takemi, Jesna and Cimarron are interesting. Cimarron is perhaps too close to Cinnamon. I do prefer Blanca to Blanche. Landry is perhaps too close to Laundry, I prefer Landric. Philanthe & Erastus are pretty badass, however I'd prefer those as character names. I think they are too much for children. I'm not a fan of Mercedez (I don't like Mercedes, either), Sharlynn, Trapper or Leroi
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Interesting fact, I actually used to know a woman named Cinnamon; her given name in fact. Not saying it's any better than "Cimarron." Both are too out there for me. I've never heard of Landric before, but it's certainly MUCH better than Landry. It makes me think of laundry as well, like someone saying the word in a weird voice or something.
Philanthe and Erastus come across as character names for me as well, especially Erastus, which was one of the reasons that made it so strange to see.
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True! I can see the appeal of Cinnamon, although I'd prefer it as a pet name as opposed to a human name. Cinna, Cinnny and Cin all make cute nicknames, in my opinion
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Cinna brings to mind, Cinda which I personally like. 🙂
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Fayette and Philanthe are very interesting! I like Amelie, Oren (love), Vivienne and Jesper.
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I like Alexia, Vivienne and Vaughn
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