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What do you think of this American riff on Imogen? Is it hollow because it's an elaboration of a name that itself arose from a printing error? I can't help but be charmed by it.Some combos:Imogene Laurel
Imogene Linnea
Imogene Louisa
Imogene Clara
Imogene Flora
Imogene Radha
Imogene Thora
Imogene Pearl
Imogene Renata
Imogene Thirza
Imogene Helga
Imogene Olga
Imogene Doris
Imogene Sibyl
Imogene Zora
Imogene Perla
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I prefer the original of Imogen, which sounds prettier to me. Though, I definitely get the appeal for Imogene; it sounds (and looks) gorgeous! From your list, I like Imogene Flora, Imogene Clara, Imogene Thora, Imogene Perla, Imogene Pearl, and Imogene Laurel for their flows.
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I like Imogene Sibyl and Imogene Linnea. Imogene is very put-together. I also like Imogenia.
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i have never liked Imogene; I don't like Gene and all together it just doesn't resonate in my brain as a name. I don't care for Imogen; if anything it sounds like less of a name to me, just a weird sound. Out of the combos on your list, I like the flow of Imogene Laurel and Imogene Pearl best.

This message was edited 3/29/2024, 9:03 AM

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There's something about Imogene that makes me feel fondly towards it, much more than Imogen. Imogen is admirable, but it is kind of cold, it's haughty. But Imogene is trying so hard to be something that it makes me think of someone clumsily attempting to put on airs, and that makes me like it more. It's like Lucille Ball in a bit where she has to imitate a high society lady. Sometimes names that are trying really hard turn me off, but Imogene's attempts to do it feel plucky and relatable. Maybe it's the "Jeen" ending sound, it's scrappy and down to earth. You've convinced me to love this name.Imogene Pearl is my kinda scene, love that one. I also love Imogene Olga!
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I'd never say I liked it, but I do like it much better than Imogen. Imogen looks and sounds incomplete to me and at the same time like a gas; nitrogen, oxygen and imogen.
Imogene (with the last syllable like jeen) feels more like a name.It's got a comical feel to it that prevents me from taking it too seriously as a real person's name. When my daughter was little one of her favorite early chapter books was one called "The Occasional Cow" where the main character was a kid named Imogene, with, if my memory is right, a funny last name like Hoople or Smurple or something like that.
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I love Imogen and would happily use it. Imogene, not so much. It changes the rhythm from ONE two three to ONE two THREE, which I don't like, and adding another spelling error or jazz riff to another doesn't help. I like the way Georgina can shorten to Gene/Jean, but it doesn't seem to work that way for Imogene.That said, I've seen some wondrously kree8iv 'meanings' for both versions. Innogen, we are told, means 'Born Innocent' - as who is not? And as a corollary, Imogen(e) means 'Last Born'. Not an Irish princess in sight! Tweaking some of your combos, I like:
Imogen Laura; Imogen Lyndall; Imogen Louisa; Imogen Clare; Imogen Florence; Imogen Dorothea; Imogen Margaret; Imogen Renée - a lot of birthing going on there!; Imogen Deborah; Imogen Sibyl; Imogen Dinah.
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I prefer Imogen Clara, Imogen Pearl, Imogen Laurel, Imogen Tirzah (instead of Thirza), Imogen Louise

This message was edited 3/29/2024, 7:25 AM

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