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Does your name have any positive associations?
Both personal and famous associations are possible.
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Personal: I am the fourth generation of my (entire) name; I share it with my dad, grandfather, and great-grandfather. I used to resent it for this very reason, but I appreciate the familial tie now.Famous: My first name has been common in the English language for centuries; there are many famous (and infamous) bearers! I could list off a plethora of people, but I want to include my favorite (famous) bearer. My favorite association is definitely William Shakespeare, because I love his work.
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Famous associations include a British queen, a Roman goddess, the capital of British Columbia, the world's 2nd largest freshwater lake, and the English/Spanish/etc word for victory, plus Christmas time.My positive associations are sand castles, willow trees, laurel, resilience, music, gifts and lights, stories about my great grandfather, a boy who was excited we shared a name.

This message was edited 3/31/2024, 2:50 PM

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Personal: Had a friend back in middle school who shared my name. Also knew two others that I went to school with at the same time and they were also very nice. Very decent.
Famous: The late actress Audrey Hepburn. So, I would say yes. ☺️
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Not really.
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There's a fashion house with my name, I think the most famous thing they make is a perfume called Chloe. If you like the perfume, that's a nice association I guess. Chloe has kind of a funny meaning, but essentially it's related to springtime, and that's usually seen as pretty positive in the northern hemisphere (ironically spring is my least favourite season though, ha! Maybe I need to visit the southern hemisphere and experience what spring is like there).
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I've seen the Chloé perfume advertisements on TV for many years. I love how simple and delicate they are, with the sepia and B/W setting. :)
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Anne = Grace seems pretty good to me, though not in the theological sense.
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