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Strange names, lovely meanings...
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i love both, I love Echo for both genders
"Suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently my chamber door" & "It can't rain all the time" - Eric Draven R.I.P. Steve Irwin
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I agree with everyone in that Psyche is no good.
Echo, however, is kind of nice. I picture it on a fair-haired girl with hippie parents. I would advise you, however, to NOT name a twin Echo.
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Both are great......although I don't think they would work well on real people very well. Echo would work better as an actual name than Psyche, though, IMHO.That said, I slightly prefer Echo to Psyche, though I like the mythological Psyche's story better. :-)
They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet;
You don't have to drink right now.
But you can dip your feet
Every once in a little while.
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I love Psyche, for both the sound and the meaning; its begging for teasing, though...psychic, psycho, psych...I hate Echo, not b/c of the name, but because I can't disconnect it from a book with that title and the main character Echo, who I abhorred. Anyway, I think they're both neat names.
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I like the mythological connection, but either name would provoke endless teasing when used today, especially Psyche. As others have said, nice for cats (or dogs, or horses, or birds, or guppies . . .) but not humans.
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I don't really care for Echo. Psyche is really nice, though. I like the meaning. I'd probably only use it as a mn, though. I don't have the courage to use it as a fn. =/
--------------------"The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
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Love both. Psyche used to be my favourite girl's name, actually. I'd use either one in a heartbeat.
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Psyche isn't bad, but, like others have mentioned, close to Psycho.However, I love Echo! Short two syllable names really appel to me, as do mythological names. And I really like the sound of it. If I ever were to use it, I'd consider it as a first name, but probably only use it as a middle name.
Julia Keelan"I don't mean to be rude-" he began in a tone that threatened rudeness in every syllable.
"-yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often."
~ From Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. Vernon Dursley to Albus Dumbledore.
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I'm sorry but...How does Echo have a lovely meaning? Is there a meaning I dont know about? Reflection of sound doesnt seem very lovely to me...Psyche means the soul basically and I dont find this a lovely meaning, although, it is better than reflection of sound.
The names themselves:
Echo - dolphins and whales are the first in my mind, so if you plan on giving birth to a dolphin or whale, I think its cute.I am not fond of word names to begin with, and I know a lot of people like Echo, but where is the appeal in them? ~~Kris~~

This message was edited 9/20/2006, 11:30 AM

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Lol . . .You've never been to a great echo-spot then. Echoes *are* beautiful.
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
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They're from mythologyThat's the appeal, I mean. People like mythology. I guess.I like Echo...for a cat."If you need us, we'll be over here, doing the 'Glad I'm An Only Child' dance." - Sam

This message was edited 9/20/2006, 11:31 AM

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I guess...But I guess I have never been fond of mythology either. But I guess I like some names that others do not see the appeal. Everyone has their tastesYes, Echo would be cute for a cat too.~~Kris~~
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I definitely wouldn't use Psyche (too close to psycho). My sister used to work with a lady named Echo. She told my sister she had experienced some teasing growing up (hey, even her co-workers teased her from time to time). For the most part, she was pretty good natured and took it in stride.
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Echo and Psyche... I'm not sure that the meanings are lovely, as much as simply the idea that they are from Greek mythology. There are many other Greek names that are beautiful, usable AND have meanings more appealing than the poor nymph who's love was never returned or that wouldn't sound like a Hitchcock film.
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I don't care for Psyche. It has a very pretty sound, but it's too close to Psycho imo. Echo, howver, I adore.

Dad: I know what the Loch Ness monster is. I done figured it out by myself!
Brother: Okay, then, what is it?
Dad: It's an elephant.
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I love both names but would not use Psyche. I'd seriously consider using Echo.DH :-)
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