"Gusztav Moby Pr*ck"="Victor Zagbumpsky"
in reply to a message by Norah
I'll take on the mean fish who likes to beat up the little fishkies. I'll let my esteemed colleague take on the kitty with the pretty Celtic name. :)In his previous incarnation, Gusztav Moby Pr*ck was an inner-city kid with the name of Victor Zagbumpsky, growing up on the streets of New York City in the 1900s. He was a mean little so-'n'-so. Victor Zagbumpsky was so mean, the only thing he'd share willingly with the other kids, was a communicable disease. Victor Zagbumpsky was so mean, he'd spend his allowance buying get-well cards to send to hypochondriacs. When Victor Zagbumpsky graduated from high school, he became engaged to a girl with a wooden leg -- but then he broke it off. When Victor Zagbumpsky would borrow mystery novels from his public library, after finishing them he'd write the name of the murderer on top of the first page before returning the books to the library.Victor Zagbumpsky grew up, went to college, and eventually became lawyer. One day, while vacationing in Australia and swimming in the coastal waters there (Victor Zagbumpsky had no fear of sharks, for the sharks always left him alone as a professional courtesy), Victor Zagbumpsky was suddenly seized with cramp. He sank beneath the blue waves, never to be seen in that particular life again.But Victor Zagbumpsky was later reborn, as a fish. A MEAN fish. A mean fish with a blue streak down his back, symbolic of the blue streak Victor Zagbumpsky swore as he was going down for the last time in the beautiful blue waters off the coast of Australia.And that's the sad, sad story of Victor Zagbumpsky, who came back in his next life as Gusztav Moby Pr*ck.But don't judge Victor Zagbumpsky too harshly. If you had a name like "Victor Zagbumpsky", you'd grow up mean, too, and probably come back as a fish.-- Nanaea
P.S. Hiya, Norah! Come over and play with us more often! :)
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WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/20/2001, 12:40 AM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  Phyllis  ·  1/23/2001, 3:07 PM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/24/2001, 2:59 AM
"Shadow Kibblesbane"="Sheldon Babawebski"  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/23/2001, 6:24 PM
Re: "Shadow Kibblesbane"="Sheldon Babawebski"  ·  Phyllis  ·  1/24/2001, 12:20 AM
I am so sorry  ·  Arikka  ·  1/23/2001, 5:02 AM
So am I...  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/23/2001, 5:24 AM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  Arikka  ·  1/23/2001, 4:58 AM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  Arikka  ·  1/23/2001, 4:58 AM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  Finnegan  ·  1/23/2001, 4:57 AM
Fun!  ·  Norah  ·  1/22/2001, 10:44 AM
Cat Steven's Cat  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/23/2001, 1:46 AM
Re: Cat Steven's Cat  ·  Hadi Amirah  ·  12/5/2003, 5:15 PM
"Gusztav Moby Pr*ck"="Victor Zagbumpsky"  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/22/2001, 6:03 PM
Re: "Gusztav Moby Pr*ck"="Victor Zagbumpsky"  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/23/2001, 9:10 AM
Re: "Gusztav Moby Pr*ck"="Victor Zagbumpsky"  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/23/2001, 2:12 PM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  Mel  ·  1/21/2001, 10:12 AM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  PriaposLove  ·  1/22/2001, 2:05 AM
Another Award...  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/22/2001, 3:30 AM
Re: Another Award...  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/22/2001, 4:15 AM
Re: Another Award...  ·  PriaposLov  ·  1/22/2001, 4:18 AM
Re: Another Award...  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/22/2001, 4:42 AM
"Mel's Orange Peanut"="Angeluma Peterson"  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/21/2001, 2:45 PM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  meg  ·  1/20/2001, 8:30 PM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/21/2001, 6:19 AM
Aw.....!  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/21/2001, 6:23 AM
Re: Aw.....!  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/22/2001, 1:44 AM
"Spot Jackterrier"="Apricot Jest Kerr"  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/21/2001, 5:44 AM
Re: WHAT'S BEHIND THE NAME OF YOUR DOG (OR CAT)? -- FUN STUFF!  ·  Hope  ·  1/20/2001, 12:45 AM
"Lucifer Whitespot"="Louis Perfectwhit"  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/20/2001, 12:57 AM
Re: "Lucifer Whitespot"="Louis Perfectwhit"  ·  Hope  ·  1/20/2001, 1:13 PM
Re: "Lucifer Whitespot"="Louis Perfectwhit"  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/20/2001, 4:37 PM