Energizer Bunny -- why were you surprised?
Actually, that website isn't all that great -- it tells people what their Chinese animal sign is all right, but it doesn't give the corresponding element, as well. There are actually five different Rabbit types: Metal Rabbit (1951 and 2011), Water Rabbit (1903 and 1963), Wood Rabbit (1915 and 1975), Fire Rabbit (1927 and 1987), and Earth Rabbit (1939 and 1999).I'm gonna guess you're a Water Rabbit, probably born in 1903. ;) Here's what my own book on Chinese astrology says about the Water Rabbit:"Sensitive and amenable, Water Rabbits will often go along with the flow to avoid disagreement, since conflict of any kind upsets them deeply. They may at times seem quiet and inward-looking and sometimes prefer to seek their own company, but in the main they are friendly and easy-going. They have great sensitivity, and to those they live and work with they show a supportive and empathetic disposition that attracts people to them."Also, in Chinese astrology, your year of birth only describes your fundamental character. But the animal governing your *hour* of birth is supposed to describe your outer temperament -- how people see you or the picture you present to the outside world. The hour of birth has to be figured into the entire formula, else everyone born in the same year would all be alike, wouldn't they? :)By the way, little Nephele is a Metal Dragon! Dragons are the *coolest* signs in Chinese astrology!-- Nanaea
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Happy New Year! Happy Snake Year!  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/24/2001, 3:59 AM
Re: Happy New Year! Happy Snake Year!  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/25/2001, 1:32 AM
Energizer Bunny -- why were you surprised?  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/25/2001, 1:48 PM
Re: Energizer Bunny -- why were you surprised?  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/26/2001, 3:48 AM
Re: Energizer Bunny -- why were you surprised?  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/26/2001, 3:54 AM
Re: Energizer Bunny -- why were you surprised?  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  1/26/2001, 5:07 AM
Re: Happy New Year! Happy Snake Year!  ·  Daividh  ·  1/24/2001, 6:43 PM
Re: Happy New Year! Happy Snake Year!  ·  Phyllis  ·  1/24/2001, 12:30 AM
I know which goddess you are. ;)  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/24/2001, 3:22 PM
Re: I know which goddess you are. ;)  ·  Phyllis  ·  1/29/2001, 9:20 AM
Re: I know which goddess you are. ;)  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/30/2001, 3:47 AM