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My name is Dresden. I have been trying to find out it's meaning for as long as I can remember, but I have never found a site that knows it.
I would really appreciate if you would be able to help me out in this area. I am female, and my name is German (Dresden, Germany).
Thank You!Dresden
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I guess it's all in the keywords you use in your search. Even on a limited search engine like Yahoo, entering "dresden placename meaning" brought up a credible answer in the first site it tells us that Dresden on the Elbe River was originally a Slav village named Drezdzany, meaning "forest dwellers on the plain." Hope that helps.- Da.
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Well, Dresden is known for two things: its fine porcelain, and as the site of (ahem!) Allied war crimes. Its quite likely that your folks named your Dresden for the former :P
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It means you enjoyed everything, every moment, every gasp. Every single time! But so did I, time passed but it never leaves.
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