Non-English names to add to your database...
I had several friends from other countries... they were my e-pals.
I was surprised to find that Umut and Sadun are not in the Turkish name database. Umut is Turkish for peace- a male name. and Sadun is a Turkish male name. Piril is another Turkish female name. Also, Ayca and Ozygur were also people from Turkey who went to my college.Also I heard of a very unusual name from Spain/Mexico... Arantazazu (sp)? or Arantzazu? It is a female name... How would you pronounce it? I saw this name on a list of people who work at my office and I did a double take. I thought it was lovely name. What kind of name is it? Basque, Catalan, Castillian, ???Also several well-known French football players had unusual names: Zidane and Bixtene. What is Bixtene's origin? Thanks!
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This is a hunch but i'd guess Arantazazu is more of an native Mexican or Aztec origin
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am interested knowing the meaning of female basque first name, Ehari.
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