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the study of name meanings
Can someone direct to a formal study of name meanings?
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This site is pretty much the best if you're looking for etymology. If you're looking for "deeper meanings" based on "mathematical principles" such as "Your first name of Mary has made you a friendly, approachable, and generous persom," try Most of us here appreciate the kabalarians as humor, but don't take their name analysis seriously. It's sort of like horoscopes.~ Caitlín
?????????????? ~ Elspeth, Merry, Tomás, Kip, Ælfwine, Adán, Marit, Bran, Ester, Andrew, Isobel, Jeromiah Andrea, Annit Elisabetta, Josue Alejandro
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Assuming you mean literal meanings, the word you want is onomastics. Google away and decide what best suits your purposes.
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