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Twin names please!
Hey, I need alot of twin names. Im planning to adopt twin girls, but I need to pick out names for them first.
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And Jen, you DON'T want names that are anagrams of each other. Right? RIGHT? PLEASE? PLEASE??!!!Apres Anagramgenius, le deluge...
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She oughta be wanting anagrammed MAGICAL twin names! :)I've lately been enjoying *The Complete Book of Magical Names* by Phoenix McFarland, and I even found *your* name in there, Daividh! (Oooo, Daividh's maaaa-gic! Daividh's maaaaa-gic!)In the section titled "Names from Whence We Came", under "Celtic/Gaelic Boys" there's this entry:"Daibhidh (pronounced DA ee vee): Beloved"Substitute the "bh" for a "v", and you've got Daividh! Betcha didn't know you had a "magical name", Daividh. Phoenix McFarland sez so! :)-- Nanaea
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St. Kabalarius be my guide! An archaic Western Isles spelling spoken like some 'Strine bloke...hoo boy. No wonder Gaelic's a moribund language. Think I'll stick with the spelling and blue-collar pronunciation I was dealt.Does Phoenix comment on my magical capabilities, other than the known one of being able to disappear in a flash when it's time to split the check?
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meaning of monica
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Lillian and Jillian are both very classy names and can be shortened easily for their younger years when more immature names are desired.
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Daividh, especially, likes rhyming names like "Lillian and Jillian". ;)I, on the other hand, would vote for anagrammed names, like "Tracie and Terica".-- Nanaea
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I have twins . . . a boy and a girl, and I am not into names that rhyme, or have the same first letter. My guys are named Samuel David and April Grace and their names were chosen mainly for the meanings, which have very special significance for a variety of reasons. When we say their names, these things are then always in our minds and hearts and keep us thankful. Of couse meaning alone is not enough . . . loving the names helped us chose them also.If you follow the link for April you will not find the most significant meaning that helped us choose it . . . it is "New Life"Linda
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