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celebrities full name
How do fans know their favorite celebrities fullname?
Does celebrities tell their fullnames in magazine or something?
Just curious.
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Usually they change their names, and come up with "cool-sounding" names ..... also, on records and movies the celebrity's full name is listed somewhere.
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AniaSometimes they're told to change their names because someone else has/had it before. Case in point: Michael Keaton. He was born Michael Douglas , but, as you know, another actor had that name in Hollywood before him. And he couldn't use Mike Douglas because of a singer whose name was originally Michael Dodd, but was told to change it to Mike Douglas by the petaybes.Another case in point: After the shooting death of John Lennon, this one actor (I can't remember his name off-hand) had trouble getting a job. Why? He originally had the same name as the person who shot Lennon (either that or his stage name was the same. I forget which).Besides, some of them use stage names to protect themselves from stalkers and other major irritants (David Letterman springs to mind). It's much more difficult to find someone if the "public" name and the "private" name is different.Phyllis
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He he I guess that depends who you are a fan ofI wonder what is the surname of Jesus
*smiles in a sheepish way*
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His surname, obviously, was: "Bar-Yosef" or "Ben-Yosef". :)-- Nanaea
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What?! Not Mendoza-Perez? Mom lied!
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That would make sense :)Here I tried to make a silly joke and you even manage to baffle me with an intelligent answer. Well done!
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Technically not, for those who have Christian beliefs. We think of Joseph as more of a "stepfather", altho I suppose the surname
"Ben-Yhwh" or "Bar-Adonai" would have been a little tough to explain to your neighbors...Incidentally, what's the difference between "Ben" and "Bar"? And do Hebrew women ever use "Bas"?
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"Technically not, for those who have Christian beliefs. We think of Joseph as more of a "stepfather", altho I suppose the surname
"Ben-Yhwh" or "Bar-Adonai" would have been a little tough to explain to your neighbors..."@@@@ Even adopted children take on the name of their adoptive father in Hebrew naming ceremonies. :)"Incidentally, what's the difference between "Ben" and "Bar"?"@@@@ "Bar" is Aramaic; "Ben" is Hebrew."And do Hebrew women ever use "Bas"?"@@@@ "Bas + [father's given name]" or "Bat + [father's given name]". Yes, for religious purposes and Hebrew legal documents, women also are identified as "daughter of -- ".-- Nanaea
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Cool site! (<~~ I know that is not a very long message)
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